Party & Programme > Programmes
Hidden from history
22 Nov 2007
Lawrence Parker, The kick inside - revolutionary opposition in the CPGB 1960-1991 2007, £4.00 (+ £1.15 postage), pp75
Defeat was fault of enemy machine guns
25 May 2007
Mike Macnair replies to Dave Brown and Gerry Downing who argued last week that the defeats of the 20th century are not grounds to rethink the strategic ideas of the early Comintern
Key weapon of struggle
11 May 2007
The task of debating the CPGB Draft programme, a necessarily protracted prelude to a full redraft and its submission to the organisation as a whole for final discussion and approval, is now well underway. Mary Godwin reports
Ten versus ten
10 May 2007
Jack Conrad offers an alternative to the Socialist Party's method and its programme in the run-up to this Saturday's conference of the Campaign for a New Workers' Party
Propaganda for a lost generation
26 Apr 2007
Phil Sharpe replies to Mike Macnair on the question of the Marxist party's programme
Link in the chain
19 Apr 2007
Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group elaborates his theory of 'democratic permanent revolution'
Programme, or ad hoc reflections?
19 Apr 2007
Mike Macnair replies to Phil Sharpe on the question of programme
Putting out the trash
12 Apr 2007
Economic and political interpenetration both internationally and nationally makes a mockery of the Revolutionary Democratic Group's 'democratic permanent revolution'. Mike Macnair concludes his response to Dave Craig of the RDG
Party and programme
05 Apr 2007
The Campaign for a Marxist Party held its first meeting in Sheffield in the form of a day school on March 31. Phil Walden reports
International from the start
05 Apr 2007
Mike Macnair continues his polemic against the 'national democratic revolution' schema of the Revolutionary Democratic Group's Dave Craig
Stages, not stageism
22 Mar 2007
Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group defends of his theory of 'permanent democratic revolution'
What kind of programme?
22 Feb 2007
Mary Godwin reports from the second London meeting of the Campaign for a Marxist Party, held on Sunday February 18
One step forward, no steps back
15 Feb 2007
Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group outlines his theory of 'democratic permanent revolution'
The April theses and permanent revolution
11 Jan 2007
The CPGB's 'extreme democracy' presupposes economic inequality, argues Gerry Downing
The test of 1917
04 Jan 2007
Did events force Lenin to jettison his 'democratic dictatorship of the proletariat and peasantry' formulation after the fall of tsarism? Or was this formulation concretised in the republic of workers', peasants' and soldiers' soviets? Jack Conrad continues his study of the communist programme
Permanent revolution and state power
07 Dec 2006
As Jack Conrad shows, the Marx-Engels theory of permanent revolution does not preclude the workers' party participating in government