Party & Programme > Programmes
Hidden from history
22 Nov 2007
Lawrence Parker, The kick inside - revolutionary opposition in the CPGB 1960-1991 2007, £4.00 (+ £1.15 postage), pp75
Unity based on solid principles
02 Nov 2023
Mike Macnair replies to criticism of the CPGB on partyism and explains why we uphold the use of sharp open polemics and reject the soggy methods of diplomacy
Take inspiration from Cromwell
04 May 2023
Enough of platonic republicanism, enough of fickle republicanism, enough of egg-throwing republicanism, says Jack Conrad . We need a militant fight for republican democracy
We cause offence
23 Mar 2023
Following the lead of the liberal bourgeoisie, the dominant section of the left takes a ‘free speech, but ...’ approach. Jack Conrad defends the unrestricted right to organise, strike, assemble … and speak
Where next for Nupes?
08 Sep 2022
René Gimpel reports on the enthusiasm and success brought about by uniting the left, but warns of the dangers and pitfalls that come with a flawed programme
The meaning of character
30 Jun 2022
When it comes to the Marxist programme, there are still some on what passes for the left today who will not - cannot - grasp basic, straightforward propositions. Whether that is due to a lack of elementary political education, the idiocy of isolation or factional animus is an open question. Jack Conrad replies to Andrew Northall
Our own programme
16 Jun 2022
Without the working class organising itself into a political party there can be no chance of socialism. But, argues Jack Conrad, without a comprehensive, fully worked-out programme, that party has no chance of navigating the road to socialism and beyond
Their army and ours
09 Jun 2022
Most of the left has embraced the peace slogan in a thoroughly pacifist manner. Marxists, of course, prefer peace to war, but, as Jack Conrad explains, with us that goes hand in hand with making propaganda for the establishment of a popular militia
Instrument providing direction
03 Feb 2022
There has been a much publicised inner-party struggle. Andries Stroper reports on the launch of the new draft programme of the Communist Platform in the Netherlands
Red, young and programmed
06 Jan 2022
Ties van den Bogaard introduces Rood (Red), its struggle against an anti-socialist witch-hunt and its recently adopted programme
Amending our programme
25 Nov 2021
Paul Drummond reports on last week’s meeting of CPGB members, LPM supporters and invited guests
Vigorous debate
07 Oct 2021
Paul Drummond reports on the discussions at last weekend’s meeting of CPGB and LPM comrades
Politics not as usual
08 Jul 2021
After Batley and Spen, Derek James reports on debates over Labour’s prospects and amending our programme
Build on solid foundations
24 Jun 2021
Socialists need a programme, but not just any old programme. Donald Parkinson of Cosmonaut magazine and the Marxist Unity Slate in the Democratic Socialists of America sets out the history and great advantages of the minimum-maximum programme
Light and air
28 Jan 2021
Paul Demarty insists that unrestricted free speech is central to the communist project
Honing and updating
28 Jan 2021
Vernon Price reports on last weekend’s membership aggregate and the three debates over programme