
Party & Programme > Programmes

Hidden from history

22 Nov 2007

Lawrence Parker, The kick inside - revolutionary opposition in the CPGB 1960-1991 2007, £4.00 (+ £1.15 postage), pp75

The phases of communism

23 Sep 2010

Jack Conrad concludes his discussion of the CPGB's Draft programme by looking at socialism and the dictatorship of the proletariat

Neoliberal ghosts and the art of brevity

16 Sep 2010

Jack Conrad answers criticisms of the CPGB's Draft programme in the second of a three-part article

Goldilocks and the communist programme

09 Sep 2010

In an opening article, Jack Conrad picks out and assesses various criticisms of and alternatives to the CPGB's Draft programme

Programmatic dead end

02 Sep 2010

The more things change, the more they remain the same. Eddie Ford looks at the latest draft of 'Britain's road to socialism'

Transition and abundance

02 Sep 2010

Schemes for quasi-market communism offer a rationale for capitalism, argues Mike Macnair

Communist transition

26 Aug 2010

Nick Rogers discusses the transition to communism in the context of the CPGB's 'Draft programme'

Unity in a single party

22 Jul 2010

To mark the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of Great Britain, we begin here a series of reprints of key documents from the pre-history and early years of our party

The road to working class revolution

08 Apr 2010

Nick Rogers raises criticisms and identifies omissions in the amended Draft programme proposed by the CPGB leadership

Less radical than clause four

18 Mar 2010

A trained economist and computer scientist with a political background in Maoism, Paul Cockshott damns the CPGB's Draft programme as being to the right of Labour governments past and present

SUPPLEMENT: Third programme of the Communist Party of Great Britain

11 Feb 2010

This is the Draft programme of the CPGB as agreed by the Provisional Central Committee. It will be put before a special conference of CPGB members before the end of 2010. Comments, suggestions, and criticisms are welcome

Defeat the liquidators

21 Feb 2008

Communists should give a guarded welcome to the decision of the LCR to launch a new revolutionary party, writes Peter Manson

Is the party a halfway house?

14 Feb 2008

Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group replies to the CPGB's Mike Macnair on the present roots of the national Marxist party in Britain

Demands to win youth

24 Jan 2008

Discussing an essential component of our programme, CPGB comrades recently teased out some of the questions around the approach to youth. Jim Moody reports

Pantomime analogies, beanstalks and 'science'

17 Jan 2008

Would a Marxist party in Britain be a 'halfway house' on the road to a communist international? Mike Macnair responds to Dave Craig

Back to the future

10 Jan 2008

How do Stalinist and Trotskyist traditions influence our views about a national alternative to the Labour Party? Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group returns to the debate with the CPGB's Mike Macnair

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