
Party & Programme > Programmes

Hidden from history

22 Nov 2007

Lawrence Parker, The kick inside - revolutionary opposition in the CPGB 1960-1991 2007, £4.00 (+ £1.15 postage), pp75

Towards rapprochement

16 May 1996

Some points of agreement between the Provisional Central Committee and the Revolutionary Democratic Group (faction of the Socialist Workers Party)

Komünist Birlik için!

25 Apr 1996

This article is a Turkish translation of the front page article. On International Workers’ Day we call on all revolutionaries in the UK to unite in the struggle for Party

Lawyer’s paradise

25 Apr 1996

Communist University ‘96

25 Apr 1996

Party notes

For communist unity

25 Apr 1996

May Day is a workers’ celebration of international solidarity and organisation. The May Day march in London for a number of years has been dominated by revolutionaries in exile from Turkey and Kurdistan. This very fact is testimony to the important lessons their history of struggle holds for revolutionaries in Britain. That is why today we have published the draft programme discussion document in Turkish. This document, written by Jack Conrad as a result of a year’s discussion in our organisation, was published in the Weekly Worker (September 21 1995). Today we call on all revolutionaries in the UK to unite in the struggle for Party

Idealist tendencies

11 Apr 1996

Initial comments on the draft programme of the CPGB by Phil Sharpe of the Trotskyist Unity Group

The common theoretical programme for communists

04 Apr 1996

As the communist rapprochement process develops debates around programme are taking a central place. A seminar series to open the debate to groups on the revolutionary left is being launched in May. The discussion begins in this week’s paper with a contribution from Open Polemic. We welcome others

Open Polemic on the question of programme

04 Apr 1996

Against republicanism

28 Mar 1996

Paul Cockshot replies to ‘Revolutionary republicanism’ (Weekly Worker February 29) by Dave Craig of the RDG

Menshevism in microcosm

21 Mar 1996

Because they represent a real movement of the working class the Socialist Labour Party and Socialist Alliances have thrown into sharp relief the theoretical and programmatic limitations of many revolutionaries. The Trotskyite group, Workers Power, provides a case study

Dogmatic delusions

21 Mar 1996

In the March 4 Morning Star, Kenny Coyle wrote off the Socialist Labour Party as a dead-end diversion. Ian Farrell replies

Revolutionary republicanism

29 Feb 1996

Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group (faction of the SWP) challenges Paul Cockshott's understanding of the democratic revolution

Open differences

22 Feb 1996

Last Sunday Open Polemic held its conference on communist fragmentation and social democracy. Danny Hammill reports

Mortal wound?

22 Feb 1996

The RDG programmists

15 Feb 1996

Bob Smith - For a Permanent Party Polemic Committee

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