
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Mexican hot house

16 Feb 1995

Yeltsin on the ropes

16 Feb 1995

Czar Boris teeters as ‘left’ alliance takes shape

Russia abolishes death penalty

16 Feb 1995

From The Call, paper of the British Socialist Party, February 19 1920

Beating them at their own game

09 Feb 1995

An article in Socialist Worker (January 28) criticised Bill Morris and the Transport and General Workers Union leadership in the Badgerline bus dispute in Chelmsford for appealing to public opinion rather than for solidarity action - a well know bureaucrat’s cop-out. But it particularly criticised the free bus service the union was running. We spoke to Bill Horslen, one of the sacked workers and a Labour councillor, about the dispute and how the bus service can be used to gain solidarity action

Militant hushes up election stand split

09 Feb 1995

Towards the Communist Party

09 Feb 1995

From an interview published in The Call, paper of the British Socialist Party, with Albert Inkpen, the party’s general secretary, February 12 1920

Cuba - the candle that yet burns

09 Feb 1995


Houses or hovels?

02 Feb 1995

From The Call, paper of the British Socialist Party, February 5 1920

Hang Churchill

26 Jan 1995

From The Call, paper of the British Socialist Party, January 29 1920

Russian leftists desert Chechens

26 Jan 1995

The Chechen war needs revolutionary answers not hand-wringing liberalism

SWP calls for state capitalism

19 Jan 1995

Germany going ‘red’

19 Jan 1995

From The Call, paper of the British Socialist Party, January 22 1920

Making the leap

12 Jan 1995

Lee-Anne Bates spoke to Steve David, a new Communist Party supporter from East London who saw the need to go beyond trade union politics after being active as a signal technician during the recent signal workers’ dispute

Obituary: Mourn the revolutionary

12 Jan 1995

Joe Slovo, 23 May 1926 - 6 January 1995

75 years

12 Jan 1995

Nineteen ninety-five will see the 75th anniversary of the foundation of the Communist Party of Great Britain. The Weekly Worker republishes what was making the news in the revolutionary press this week in 1920

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