
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Breakaway deeply divided from birth

16 Nov 2006

Peter Manson reports on the uneasy alliances within Tommy Sheridan's new party Solidarity

Programmatic masks and transitional fleas

16 Nov 2006

Is Leon Trotsky's Transitional programme the last word when it comes to the Marxist programme? Or does it represent regression in Marxist terms? Jack Conrad argues against Trotskyite economism

Many questions, no answers

16 Nov 2006

Last weekend saw the SWP attempt to win union militants to Respect. Alan Stevens reports on the Organising for Fighting Unions conference

Fuse workers' movement and Marxism

09 Nov 2006

Boris Kagarlitsky looks at the prospects and possibilities for the Russian left

Desperate evasion and sectarianism

09 Nov 2006

A 'republican socialist party' in Britain that eschews Marxism must be a concession to nationalism. Mike Macnair responds to Dave Craig

Campaign for a Marxist Party

09 Nov 2006

Founding principles

Programme and its structure

09 Nov 2006

Why do communists give their programme such importance and go to such pains to develop, guard and enrich it? Jack Conrad begins a short series by examining the background to the CPGB's Draft programme

Structure, organisation and tasks

09 Nov 2006

Resolution 1

Uniting Marxists as Marxists

09 Nov 2006

Jim Moody reports on the launch conference of the Campaign for a Marxist Party

Marxist party - an illusion

02 Nov 2006

In the absence of a world revolutionary party, a national communist party could only be a capitulation to British nationalism, argues Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group

Marxist party - now or never

02 Nov 2006

Mike Macnair writes on this weekend's launch conference of the 'Campaign for a new Marxist party'

Lessons of October

26 Oct 2006

Chris Knight of the Radical Anthropology Group looks at how the Bolsheviks combined illegality and legality

Russia 1917 and the global revolution

26 Oct 2006

What were the conditions that made Russia ripe for revolution? What were the factors that led to its failure? Boris Kagarlitsky , one of Russia's leading Marxists, argues for a dialectical approach in analysing the Soviet Union and resuming the tasks of October

Military coups and soldiers' rights

26 Oct 2006

We are revolutionaries, not constitutional democrats, says Jim Moody - and takes the Alliance for Workers' Liberty to task

Spin, deception and eclecticism

19 Oct 2006

If there was ever any doubt, Respect's third annual conference, held over the weekend of October 14-15, confirmed that the organisation is now indisputably a Socialist Worker Party front, writes Peter Manson. Despite efforts to prove the opposite, Respect is visibly shrinking

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