
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Loyal opposition

19 Oct 2006

Phil Kent reports on the fringe meeting organised by the International Socialist Group

For the right to choose

19 Oct 2006

Respect gave over the Saturday afternoon session of its annual conference to a public rally on islamophobia. Anne Mc Shane reports

Developing a Marxist programme

19 Oct 2006

Mike Macnair continues the debate on what is meant by a Marxist party and how to campaign for one, begun by Critique's call for a conference on November 4

Victims or workers?

19 Oct 2006

At its October 7-8 conference, the Scottish Socialist Party opposed the unionisation of sex workers and agreed to support legislation for the sex industry only if it is "designed to eradicate prostitution". For the SSP, the liberation of sex workers must be delivered from above. Ana Lopes of the International Sex Workers Union believes differently

Arise - what next?

12 Oct 2006

Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group takes a closer look at the debate on the future of the Socialist Alliance

New left for old

12 Oct 2006

Mike Macnair reviews Max Elbaum's Revolution in the air: sixties radicals turn to Lenin, Mao and Che Verso, 2002, pp370, £20

The call for a party

12 Oct 2006

Hillel Ticktin, editor of Critique, explains the thinking behind the November 4 conference to establish a Campaign for a New Marxist Party

No fudge on accountability

12 Oct 2006

The only motion focusing on the lack of democracy and accountability in Respect is motion No1 from the CPGB, which is also supported by Calderdale

Control-freakery and decline

12 Oct 2006

The weekend of October 14-15 will see Respect's third annual conference. Doubtless it is set to feature plenty of platform speeches but precious little debate: there are fewer motions and fewer delegates. Emily Bransom and Tina Becker preview the weekend

Don't talk about George!

12 Oct 2006

Workers Unity platform members attempted to get an emergency motion on the McNeilage scandal debated at the Scottish Socialist Party conference, but it was ruled out of order. Sandy McBurney spoke to Peter Manson

Siding with Murdoch

12 Oct 2006

As the Scottish Socialist Party held its annual conference over the weekend of October 7-8, the feud between Tommy Sheridan and his former comrades spiralled out of control. Nick Rogers reports

Intriguing cameos

05 Oct 2006

Dave Douglas reviews: North West TUC members 70th anniversary of the Spanish civil war pp18, £1.50

Campaign for a party - or another sect?

05 Oct 2006

The organised left cannot be bypassed in the fight for a Marxist party, argues Mike Macnair

On the road to social democracy

05 Oct 2006

Ben Lewis reports from the Hanover programme convention of L.PDS and WASG

SSP says it will not expel tape man George McNeilage

05 Oct 2006

Peter Manson reports on the latest developments in the Tommy Sheridan saga

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