
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Marxism and scientific revolutions

05 Oct 2006

How are scientific paradigms established? And what does this mean for the politics of the working class? Chris Knight examines the issues

A lesson in Stalinism

05 Oct 2006

Members of the Socialist Workers Party tried to throw CPGB students out of a public meeting. Dave Isaacson reports

Anti-CPGB ritual?

28 Sep 2006

The CPGB's motions to Respect conference have again been ruled out of order - before being accepted after protest. Mark Fischer reports

The science of Marxism

28 Sep 2006

Is scientific objectivity compromised by a subordination to the interests of the international working class? Chris Knight examines the issues

German left punished for coalitionism

21 Sep 2006

The poor performance of the reformist left, mass electoral apathy and the rise of the far right in the September 17 elections in two German states highlight the urgent need for a Marxist alternative. Ben Lewis reports

Bringing about a Marxist party

21 Sep 2006

Why must we go through the existing left rather than appealing directly to 'the class'? Mike Macnair explains

Three political commitments

14 Sep 2006

Unity not around 'Trotskyism', insists Mike Macnair, but around class independence, democracy and internationalism

CPGB motions

14 Sep 2006

The CPGB is sponsoring two motions to be put to the Respect annual conference on October 14-15. If you are a paid up member of Respect, add your support by writing to office@cpgb.org.uk

Accountability and Tommy rot

14 Sep 2006

Mark Fischer argues that there are more important issues at stake in the SSP fiasco than who lied and who told the truth about Tommy Sheridan's sex life

Solidarity with the SSP

07 Sep 2006

Sheridan's breakaway is the wrong split, for the wrong reasons, at the wrong time, writes Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group

A tale of two rallies

07 Sep 2006

Last weekend saw the SSP and Tommy Sheridan's Solidarity grouping organising rival rallies to formally signal the completion of the split. Nick Rogers reports from Glasgow

The tipping point

07 Sep 2006

Under the leadership of John Rees and Alex Callinicos, the International Socialist Tendency has swung violently to the right over the last year or two. That has directly affected the left in Zimbabwe. Here is a country ruled by gangsters, paralysed by successive opposition failures and undergoing a horrendous and seemingly never ending socioeconomic collapse. Despairing at the possibilityof organising a working class-led revolution against the Zanu-PFregime, some are now crudely mimicking the rainbow politics of Respect. Personifying this shift is Briggs Bomba (picture). A year ago he proudly billed himself as the international coordinator of the International Socialist Organisation (the IST's Zimbabwean affiliate). Now he modestly describes himself as "a social justice activist" and calls for what amounts to a popular front

In revealing company

07 Sep 2006

Jack Conrad draws parallels between 'proletarian nationalism' and the SSP and Solidarity in Scotland today

SSP crisis: rebuild on socialist principle

07 Sep 2006

Statement of the Workers' Unity platform

Popular nails in the 'official' coffin

31 Aug 2006

Lawrence Parker reviews Kevin Morgan's Bolshevism and the British left part 1: 'Labour legends and Russian gold', Lawrence and Wishart, 2006, pp320, £18.99

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