
Imperialism & War > Middle East

None of the above

07 Jun 2012

Calling on Egyptians to vote for the Muslim Brotherhood is insane, argues Paul Demarty

Seeking a new redivision

16 Aug 2012

Syria’s opposition is increasingly dominated by Islamists and is openly backed by imperialism, writes Eddie Ford

Stepping up the threats

02 Aug 2012

The upcoming US Presidential elections are only ratcheting up the threat of military action against Iran reports Yassamine Mather

Fall of Assad could see break-up

02 Aug 2012

Intercommunal conflict could change the shape of the borders throughout the region, argues Esen Uslu

Where is the left?

02 Aug 2012

As Syria descends into bloody chaos, confusion lingers on, writes Paul Demarty

Islamists gaining ground

26 Jul 2012

The US seems happy to see the Muslim Brotherhood gaining influence in Damascus, writes Yassamine Mather

Standing the test of time

19 Jul 2012

On July 9, the CPGB hosted a fringe meeting at Marxism 2012, which served as a pre-launch of the recently published collection of essays by Moshé Machover.

Sealed trains and class traitors

19 Jul 2012

Yassamine Mather interrogates the excuses used by ‘leftwing’ supporters of the Iran Tribunal

AKP resorts to brutality

19 Jul 2012

The true intentions of the Turkish government in relation to the ‘Kurdish problem’ have been well and truly revealed, writes Esen Uslu

Accepting funds from the CIA

05 Jul 2012

Supporters of the Iran Tribunal have desperately been trying to defend their abandonment of working class principle. Yassamine Mather reports on the contortions

Use stalemate to rebuild

21 Jun 2012

Homayoun Azad sees a parallel with Iran in the Egyptian presidential election

A blunder of historic proportions

21 Jun 2012

Voting for the Muslim Brotherhood was a vote for a party of counterrevolution, not the revolution. Jack Conrad examines MB's origins, ideas and evolution

Arab spring in retreat

21 Jun 2012

All the evidence points to the ascendancy of counterrevolutionary forces in Syria, writes Peter Manson

Regime change must come from below

14 Jun 2012

Sanctions and malware are preparatory acts of war against Iran. Those who condemn the crimes of the regime should also condemn the crimes of imperialism and its agents, writes Yassamine Mather

None of the above

07 Jun 2012

Calling on Egyptians to vote for the Muslim Brotherhood is insane, argues Paul Demarty

Joining forces against war and expulsions

31 May 2012

Milton Keynes Hands Off the People of Iran and the local Stop the War Coalition group joined forces for a meeting on the threat of war against Iran reports Dave Isaacson.

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