
Imperialism & War > Middle East

None of the above

07 Jun 2012

Calling on Egyptians to vote for the Muslim Brotherhood is insane, argues Paul Demarty

Doubling down on genocide

02 Nov 2023

Sir Keir’s Chatham House speech shows exactly where he stands. But, asks Kevin Bean, where will the official Labour left go, given the massive popular movement against Israel’s war on Gaza? An uncertain tincture of courage combines with continued fear for careers and expense accounts

Declaring moral bankruptcy

02 Nov 2023

Our leaders cannot justify Israel’s war on the Palestinians, writes Paul Demarty, so they slander protestors and try to suppress dissent in their own ranks

A Jewish crisis

02 Nov 2023

Zionism ≠ Judaism. Daniel Lazare looks at the effect that Israel’s oppression of Palestine is having on American Jews - as more and more of them join protests against the threat of genocide in Gaza

Joe Biden’s two-front war

26 Oct 2023

Economically more and more debt, diplomatically more and more enemies, militarily more and more wars. Daniel Lazare sees imperial overload

Etymology of terror

26 Oct 2023

Accusations of terrorism have become all but meaningless. Paul Demarty examines the strategy, tactics and hypocrisy of the T-word

Week in the hall of mirrors

19 Oct 2023

Reporting of Israel’s assault on Gaza provides an object lesson in how the bourgeois media works, argues Paul Demarty

Don’t mention apartheid

19 Oct 2023

Sir Keir bans Labour banners at Palestine demonstrations, Jeremy Corbyn appeals to‘international law’, while the Campaign Group of Socialist MPs sticks to empty platitudes, reports Carla Roberts

Witch-hunt bang to rights

21 Sep 2023

A damning report concludes that in every fully investigated case, charges of anti-Semitism were found to be baseless. Carla Roberts is not surprised

Man’s grim justice

14 Sep 2023

Gaby Rubin travelled to Wolverhampton to show solidarity with Tony Greenstein and four other Palestine Action activists

Double standards on show

27 Jul 2023

While the morality police are back on patrol, top figures in the regime are renowned for preaching one thing and doing another, writes Yassamine Mather

Meanwhile the economic war

27 Jul 2023

Ending the Black Sea grain corridor has put Erdoğan’s government under intense diplomatic pressure, writes Esen Uslu

Sir Keir’s abstention disgrace

13 Jul 2023

Labour’s official left either meekly followed orders or stayed away - there were less than a dozen rebels. David Porter of Labour Party Marxists reports

Dreadful notes of preparation

08 Jun 2023

Yassamine Mather looks at the high-stakes diplomatic game being played out and the danger of cold war turning into a hot war

Disenchanted with the west

18 May 2023

Yassamine Mather gives her impressions of Turkey after 20 years of AKP rule and the evident failure of secularism from above

Hanging on a knife’s edge

04 May 2023

Though the opposition appears to have a narrow lead ahead of this month’s general election, the regime has plenty of dirty tricks up its sleeve. Esen Uslu reports on Erdoğan-style campaigning

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