
Imperialism & War > Middle East

None of the above

07 Jun 2012

Calling on Egyptians to vote for the Muslim Brotherhood is insane, argues Paul Demarty

Israel-Gaza war and communist strategy

25 Jan 2024

Theses agreed by January 21 aggregate of CPGB members, including the two agreed amendments

A stale left in a tumultuous world

25 Jan 2024

There were two topics on the agenda: the Israel-Gaza war and the coming general election. Scott Evans reports on the January 21 aggregate for CPGB members and supporters

First, they came for …

25 Jan 2024

The ban on Hizb ut-Tahrir demonstrates that our rulers have no effective way to control the Gaza narrative other than by legally silencing critics, argues Paul Demarty

A drop in the ocean

18 Jan 2024

Houthis are no mere proxies of Iran, argues Yassamine Mather. They have their own political goals and agenda

Is Hamas anti-Semitic?

18 Jan 2024

October 7 was an attack directed against Israelis - not because they were Jews, but because they were occupiers. Tony Greenstein accuses Dan Lazare of being an apologist for Zionism

Orders for a killing

11 Jan 2024

Assassinating political opponents frequently has a paradoxical effect: instead of weakening and defeating, it strengthens, argues Yassamine Mather

How Britain helped create Israel

11 Jan 2024

Tony Greenstein and Thomas Suarez discussed ‘The Ottoman Empire, the 1917 Balfour Declaration and Zionism before 1948’. Kenneth Syme reports on the December 21 Why Marx? webinar

Showing exceptional weakness

11 Jan 2024

Claudine Gay wants to defend the status quo against the radical right. But since the status quo is indefensible, it’s a lost cause, says Daniel Lazare

Joining the living dead

04 Jan 2024

Carla Roberts wishes she was surprised that Jon Lansman has joined the Jewish Labour Movement

CPGB Provisional Central Committee: Statement on Israel-Gaza war

04 Jan 2024

ABCs of Muslim Brothers

07 Dec 2023

Jack Conrad looks at MAB, its internal power struggles, its relationship to the British state and its encounters with the popular-frontist left. Last of three articles

Cowards, careerists and Corbyn diehards

23 Nov 2023

Momentum MP Navendu Mishra claims to be in favour of a Gaza ceasefire. Despite that he followed Starmer’s orders to abstain, reports Carla Roberts

ABCs of Muslim Brothers

23 Nov 2023

In the first of three articles, Jack Conrad looks at the origins, evolution and current reality of the Muslim Brotherhood in Britain, Egypt and internationally

March of time

16 Nov 2023

There were peaceful multitudes from front to end. Ian Spencer reports on London’s giant demonstration

Anti-Semitism and other lies

16 Nov 2023

Accusations against the Palestinian solidarity movement of hating Jews qua Jews are obvious nonsense, says Paul Demarty. Many Jews support the Palestinian cause and are welcomed and cheered

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