
Imperialism & War > Middle East

None of the above

07 Jun 2012

Calling on Egyptians to vote for the Muslim Brotherhood is insane, argues Paul Demarty

Iran tribunal: What a legalistic shambles

20 Dec 2012

The ‘resolutions’ of the Iran Tribunal have proved Hopi right, argues Yassamine Mather

Israel-Gaza: Why did Israel do it?

13 Dec 2012

The success or failure of the onslaught on Gaza can only be judged against the operation’s aims, writes Israeli socialist Moshé Machover. This is an edited version of a talk given to the December 8 CPGB aggregate

Middle East: Israel annexes more land

06 Dec 2012

A UN vote giving increased recognition to Palestine has produced an Israeli show of contempt, writesTony Greenstein

Egypt Mursi: Showing his true colours

29 Nov 2012

The SWP's decision to call for a Muslim Brotherhood vote in Egypt is coming back to haunt them, writes Peter Manson

Kurdistan: Victory, but no solution

22 Nov 2012

Despite the ending of the prisoners’ hunger-strikes, the Kurdish question remains unresolved, writes Esen Uslu

Gaza: Masters of the Goebbels lie

22 Nov 2012

The mainstream narrative of Israel, Palestine and the middle east is a Big Lie, writes Tony Greenstein

Solidarity with the people of Iran

15 Nov 2012

Model motion from Hands Off the People of Iran

Iran tribunal: In the firing line

15 Nov 2012

When is a political tribunal ‘non-political’? Hands Off the People of Iran national secretary Mark Fischer responds to the latest salvo of pro-imperialist apologetics

Iran Solidarity: Solidarity run

15 Nov 2012

Comrades and friends of Workers Fund Iran are doing another solidarity marathon run reports Jamie Tedford

Kurdistan: Hunger strike reaches critical stage

01 Nov 2012

Esen Uslu reports on a travesty of justice

Iran: Sanctions mean war on the people

18 Oct 2012

Hands Off the People of Iran remains true to its slogan, ‘No to imperialism, no to the Islamic regime’. Yassamine Mather describes the devastation and hunger inflicted on Iranians

Iran Tribunal: Credibility drains away

04 Oct 2012

A prominent member of the German left party, Die Linke, has joined others in withdrawing support for the Iran Tribunal. Tina Becker reports

Robin Hood and solidarity

04 Oct 2012

Ben Lewis reports on comrades running the Nottingham half-marathon in support of Workers Fund Iran

Confusion of libertarian socialism

06 Sep 2012

Esen Uslu continues his examination of the Turkish left’s attitude to the Kurdish question

Only through socialism

16 Aug 2012

Esen Uslu begins his examination of the attitude of the left in Turkey to the Kurdish national question

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