
Society & Culture > Media, arts & sport

Günter Grass and the German neurosis

19 Apr 2012

Maciej Zurowski looks at a literary scandal and the bourgeoisie's attempt to cope with its past

More glasnost, less perestroika

13 Jan 2011

Maciej Zurowski interviews Circles Robinson of 'Havana Times', a web magazine that features critical writing from Cuba

Paradox of an anti-Stalinist

06 Jan 2011

Gareth Evans reviews Philip Bounds's 'Orwell and Marxism: the political and cultural thinking of George Orwell' IB Tauris Publications, 2009, pp253, £46

Jailbirds, extremists, and white power rock

06 Jan 2011

Maciej Zurowski argues that state bans only serve the ruling class. There must be freedom ... even for bad music and offensive lyrics

Old thinking and new bottles

06 Jan 2011

Paul Greenaway asks what the liberal media see in Laurie Penny and explains why Alex Callinicos is talking sense

The Pagan winter

16 Dec 2010

Charles Dickens and his 'A Christmas carol' are routinely represented as a conscience-pricking call for charity at this time of the year. But, argues Harley Filben, there is more to the novel than that

Apathy or boredom?

16 Dec 2010

Ben Lewis reviews 'The Trotsky', Jacob Tierney (dir), Alliance Films (general release in Canada)

Tyneside bairn goes ghost dancing

09 Dec 2010

Tom Pickard reviews David Douglass's 'Ghost dancers: the miners' last generation part 3: Stardust and coaldust' Christiebooks, 2010, pp540, £12.95

Still not coming home

09 Dec 2010

Harley Filben looks at the furore surrounding England's failed bid for the World Cup

A Militant take on the Great Strike of 1984-85

25 Nov 2010

David Douglass reviews Ian Isaacs's 'When we were miners' Ken Smith Press, 2010, pp180, £7.99

From Stalinism to social democracy

18 Nov 2010

Chris Gray reviews Brian Hanley and Scott Millar's 'The lost revolution: the story of the Official IRA and the Workers Party' Penguin Books 2010, pp601, GBP9.99

Capitalism cracked

11 Nov 2010

Andrew Coates reviews John Holloway's 'Crack capitalism' Pluto Press, 2010, pp320, £16

Celluloid standouts

04 Nov 2010

Jim Moody summarises the highlights of the London Film Festival

Equal pay feel-good

21 Oct 2010

Amanda MacLean reviews Nigel Cole's (director) 'Made in Dagenham', 2010 (on general release)

Campaign to end BBC bias on Palestine

30 Sep 2010

The BBC's shameful coverage of the attack on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla is a betrayal of its charter

Revolutionary jazz and the cultural shifts of the 1970s

30 Sep 2010

Maciej Zurowski reviews Soul Jazz Records 'Freedom, rhythm and sound - revolutionary jazz and the civil rights movement' 2 CDs, £11.99

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