
Society & Culture > Media, arts & sport

Günter Grass and the German neurosis

19 Apr 2012

Maciej Zurowski looks at a literary scandal and the bourgeoisie's attempt to cope with its past

Strike back against the empire

16 Sep 2010

Place newspapers in the hands of journalists and printworkers, demands James Turley

Trouble in the fourth estate

09 Sep 2010

Murdoch, Coulson, et al are being handled with kid gloves, writes James Turley

The noble savage and colonialism

09 Sep 2010

Films like Avatar represent a racist ideological assault, writes James Devine

Coal and Clausewitz

05 Aug 2010

Lawrence Parker reviews Nina Fishman's 'Arthur Horner: a political biography' (Vol 1 1894-1944; Vol 2 1944-68), Lawrence and Wishart, 2010, pp608, £22.50 each

Liquid research

29 Jul 2010

David Douglass reviews Mike Pentelow and Peter Arkell's 'A pub crawl through history: the ultimate boozers' Who's who' Janus, 2010, pp368, £16.99

Philistinism of cuts

15 Jul 2010

Jim Gilbert warns of increased corporate involvement in the arts

Reclaim the game

24 Jun 2010

A festival of sporting genius, or an incitement to chauvinism? James Turley looks at the contradictions of the football extravaganza

Agitprop anarchism

06 May 2010

Nick Rogers witnesses mock executions and maypole dancing

Subtle messages

08 Apr 2010

A Hopi member reviews Jafar Panahi's film Offside

Wiping away a tear

25 Mar 2010

Charlie Pottins reviews Shappi Khorsandi's A beginner's guide to acting English London 2009, pp330' £11.99

Storms and teacups

25 Feb 2010

Both the media and bourgeois politicians want us to concentrate on personal strengths and weaknesses. But that is not the main issue, argues James Turley

When the sweets were taken away

18 Feb 2010

Craig Wilson reviews David Douglass's The wheel's still in spin : Read and Noir : 2009, pp466, £12.95

Who will build the nation?

18 Feb 2010

Alan Fox reviews Clint Eastwood's 'Invictus' (on general release)

In the very fabric of art

21 Jan 2010

In his rejection of practice that prioritises cooperation over competition, Hans Werner Henze conspires with a system he claims to oppose, writes Gordon Downie

Delusion, distractions, dialectic

14 Jan 2010

Mike Belbin reviews James Cameron's new blockbuster 'Avatar'

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