
Democracy & State > Labour

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

A marred report

07 Jul 2016

Chakrabarti relies on the subjective, writes Tony Greenstein. She also fails to understand how ‘anti-Semitism’ was weaponised by the Labour right

Turn the tables on the right

30 Jun 2016

The coup attempt against Jeremy Corbyn presents the left with both a huge challenge and an historic opportunity. James Marshall, writing for Labour Party Marxists, assesses the balance of forces, and outlines a programme of immediate action and long-term strategic aims

Brexit and Labour - twin crises

30 Jun 2016

Peter Manson reports on last weekend’s CPGB membership meeting

War criminals all

30 Jun 2016

The Labour right is guilty of much more than plotting against Jeremy Corbyn, writes Yassamine Mather

After an unexpected vote

30 Jun 2016

Mike Macnair introduced the discussion at the CPGB aggregate on the fallout following the EU referendum result. This is an edited version of his speech

The politics of platitudes

23 Jun 2016

Commissaress discusses the implications of the EU referendum campaign on political discourse

M5S takes Rome and Turin

23 Jun 2016

With the help of elements of the left, Beppe Grillo’s crew has gained ground in former working class strongholds. Toby Abse reports

Corbyn and the media trap

16 Jun 2016

Labour should stop basing its strategy on appealing to the media - it will fail, argues Paul Demarty

Blundering ineptitude

16 Jun 2016

There are furious objections to the Morning Star giving Ken Livingstone a regular column. Peter Manson reports

Our strategy and tactics

16 Jun 2016

Jack Conrad looks at the referendum - and beyond that to the challenge of continental unity

My encounter with the thought police

09 Jun 2016

Tony Greenstein is still in one piece following his grilling by a Labour Party witch-hunt apparatchik

Reject the new contract

02 Jun 2016

We need to develop a realistic strategy for victory, writes Richard Galen

Right’s heresy hunt

26 May 2016

If I am anti-Semitic, so is the Israeli press, writes Tony Greenstein

Not so new economics

26 May 2016

Michael Roberts reports on John McDonnell’s plan to ‘transform capitalism’

Two reactionary camps

26 May 2016

Our class can gain nothing by voting for either of the two options, argues Peter Manson

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