
Democracy & State > Labour

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Right’s fear and loathing

17 Mar 2016

Communists defend Corbyn from his impatient assassins, whilst retaining our criticisms, writes Eddie Ford

Ideas to transform Labour

10 Mar 2016

William Sarsfield reports on the weekend’s CPGB members’ meeting

Waiting for Corbyn

03 Mar 2016

Tens of thousands rallied to Saturday’s anti-Trident demonstration. Peter Manson reports

No backtracking on Palestine

03 Mar 2016

Unfortunately the Labour leader appears to be beating a retreat, writes Tony Greenstein

Anti-Semitic smears employed by right

03 Mar 2016

The Labour left must get better organised, argues Gary Toms of Labour Party Marxists

Uncritical support for Corbyn

25 Feb 2016

David Shearer of Labour Party Marxists reports on last weekend’s LRC conference

Missiles and meetings

21 Jan 2016

Paul Demarty asks if the Labour left can press home its advantage

War of manoeuvre

07 Jan 2016

Jeremy Corbyn still presides over a ‘left-centre-right’ shadow cabinet, writes Eddie Ford

Using any stick, using any trick

17 Dec 2015

Eddie Ford welcomes Jeremy Corbyn’s defence of the Stop the War Coalition

Heads right wins, tails Corbyn loses

10 Dec 2015

Oldham West highlights the continuing divisions within the Labour Party, writes Eddie Ford

Confront, intimidate, deselect

10 Dec 2015

The 66 rebel Labour MPs are traitors. Do not be fooled by their crocodile tears, warns Paul Demarty

Deselect the Labour warmongers

03 Dec 2015

Labour is now divided into two parties. One is led by Jeremy Corbyn, the other by Hilary Benn, argues Yassamine Mather

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t

03 Dec 2015

Eddie Ford looks at the absurd reaction to John McDonnell’s use of the Little red book

Turn the Momentum inwards

26 Nov 2015

As the hard right readies for phase two of Operation Discredit Corbyn, James Marshall outlines the tactics and strategic goals of Labour Party Marxists

Admit you were wrong!

05 Nov 2015

The SPEW comrades are in urgent need of a radical rethink, argues Peter Manson

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