
Democracy & State > Labour

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Unconscious cancel culture

05 Jan 2023

Robust debate is vital. Tina Werkmann explains her departure from the Labour Representation Committee and Red Line TV

Abolition versus reform

05 Jan 2023

Brown’s proposals amount to mere tinkering and the left’s response is woefully inadequate. Kevin Bean calls for a single-chamber parliament, a federal republic and national self-determination

End of a chapter

08 Dec 2022

The lame reaction to the latest expulsion exposes the bankruptcy of the official Labour left, says Kevin Bean

Bosses want migrants

01 Dec 2022

Anyone who has paid even the slightest attention to the media will know that the boss class wants to increase migration in order to keep down pay levels and increase profits. Kevin Bean says, once again, the SWP gets it wrong

Victory claims under scrutiny

24 Nov 2022

Why hide the truth? Vernon Price discusses an unusual contribution in the latest Pre-Conference Bulletin

Bleak expectations

17 Nov 2022

With Rishi Sunak probably having little chance of winning the next election and Keir Starmer waiting in the wings, we should expect Austerity 3.0, writes Eddie Ford

Welcome to Britaly

27 Oct 2022

Because it is in steep decline, the British capitalist class has lost control over what is now a fractious, incompetent and thoroughly corrupt Conservative Party. Not a few are looking to Labour for salvation, reports Kevin Bean

Give up on Starmer’s party

27 Oct 2022

Dave Vincent reviews Ten years hard Labour by Chris Williamson (Lola Books, 2022, pp406)

Rout on all fronts

20 Oct 2022

Official leftwingers cry foul, but have absolutely no answers, says Kevin Bean of Labour Party Marxists

Onslaught on Labour left

13 Oct 2022

Kevin Bean reviews The Labour files, Al Jazeera Investigations, director Phil Rees (all four parts available on YouTube)

Sir Keir’s good week

06 Oct 2022

The left is disorientated, in denial and still suffering from an orchestrated campaign of suspensions and expulsions. Kevin Bean calls for reviving Labour Against the Witchhunt and some serious rethinking

For whom the bell tolls

06 Oct 2022

The mini-budget fiasco and the humiliation of Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng holds sobering lessons for the national socialist left, argues Paul Demarty

Cornered, bellicose and dangerous

06 Oct 2022

The lady was for turning after all, writes Eddie Ford, and the Tories are now in a state of open civil war, facing a crushing electoral defeat. So will Liz Truss play the Ukraine war card?

Confusion reigns on the left

29 Sep 2022

Gaby Rubin reports the highs and lows of those who placed themselves within the fringe in Liverpool

Political wing of capitalist class

29 Sep 2022

While the right is relishing the prospect of government, the left is marginalised and thoroughly demoralised. Kevin Bean, expelled secretary of Wavertree CLP, reports on the Liverpool conference

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