
Democracy & State > Labour

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Benn gives Labour left excuse to stay

02 Mar 1995

Tories regain power in Brent

16 Feb 1995

Business has faith in Labour

16 Feb 1995

A life of poverty: what kind of future does decaying capitalism offer them?

Tale of two factions

16 Feb 1995

Gesture politics

09 Feb 1995

No victory for workers

02 Feb 1995

Labour waves the union jack

02 Feb 1995

Left out in the cold

02 Feb 1995

Clause four roadshow gets underway

Clause four chaos

26 Jan 1995

Brent Labour debates behind closed doors

26 Jan 1995

Devolutionary socialism?

19 Jan 1995

The row over devolution is being used to fuel nationalism in Scotland. A Scottish parliament will not put power into the hands of workers

Labour’s communist moles?

19 Jan 1995

Labour’s clause four dead-end

19 Jan 1995

Labour’s infighting over clause four is in full swing now with almost every left group imaginable inside and out of the Labour Party jumping on board to defend the clause. Everybody knows that it has meant nothing to the Labour Party in power and that the wording itself means little. But just as with the leadership contest, until we are able to build an effective alternative to Labour the left will hang desperately on to its skirt tails

With or without clause four… Ditch labour!

12 Jan 1995

Good reasons not to vote Labour

15 Dec 1994

Steven David, who lives in Newham, looks at the local Labour council’s cutting budget and the challenge this poses to the left

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