
Democracy & State > Labour

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Don’t apologise - attack

19 May 2016

The right will not let up if we retreat before their smears, argues Moshé Machover. This is an edited version of his speech to the May 15 London Communist Forum

Fixer turns chancer

12 May 2016

Sadiq Khan has wasted no time positioning himself for the Labour leadership, notes Paul Demarty

Reinstate Ken Livingstone

05 May 2016

Corbyn must fight back against Britain’s Cointelpro, urges Tony Greenstein

A shameful retreat

05 May 2016

It is time the Labour leadership realise that no amount of grovelling will spare them nightmares like the ‘anti-Semitism’ smear scandal, argues Paul Demarty

Openness is a weapon

21 Apr 2016

The Weekly Worker’s commitment to open reporting on the affairs of the labour movement is not a fetish, but a political necessity, argues Paul Demarty

Solidarity and concrete action

21 Apr 2016

Last weekend’s demonstration was dominated by the politics of Corbynism, writes Peter Manson

Carry on regardless

14 Apr 2016

SPEW just will not admit it was wrong in its characterisation of Labour, writes Peter Manson

Drawing lines of distinction

14 Apr 2016

We need to look beyond 2020, urges Paul Demarty

Don’t appease: fight!

07 Apr 2016

The Labour Party’s Compliance Unit is employing TheDaily Telegraph to pursue its allegations of ‘anti-Semitism’, writes Tony Greenstein

Both sides are reactionary

07 Apr 2016

Demands are growing for Jeremy Corbyn to swing the balance to save Dave Cameron’s bacon. Eddie Ford calls for an active boycott

Weapon of choice

24 Mar 2016

False accusations are being carefully aimed at Jeremy Corbyn and the left, argues Tony Greenstein

Advancing but taking heavy casualties

24 Mar 2016

The Labour right is doing all in its power to retain control and exclude opponents. Stan Keable of Labour Party Marxists reports on the AGM of the CLPD

Due process and justice

17 Mar 2016

In the interests of political debate and clarification we publish Gerry Downing’s appeal against his expulsion

By your advisors shall you be known

17 Mar 2016

Yassamine Mather takes apart John McDonnell’s pledge of responsibility

Thin end of the wedge

17 Mar 2016

We must oppose the expulsion of Gerry Downing, but fight to expose his political errors, argues Jim Grant

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