
Democracy & State > Labour

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Keep up the pressure

21 Sep 2017

Labour’s NEC has opened the door for much-needed change - now the left needs to take advantage of that opening, says Carla Roberts

Strange battle lines

14 Sep 2017

David Sherrief says that the Tories are acting against the interests of big capital. Expect compromises and gruelling late-night sittings

Witch-hunt continues

03 Aug 2017

As the Ken Livingstone case demonstrates, the right’s call for ‘party unity’ should not be taken at face value, argues David Shearer of Labour Party Marxists

Much needs to be done

13 Jul 2017

On July 8 a team of comrades from Labour Party Marxists attended the Durham Miners’ Gala. James Harvey recounts some of his impressions of this year’s ‘Big Meeting’

Stumbling over Labour

13 Jul 2017

The SWP’s movementism leaves it politically adrift where it really counts, writes Peter Manson

Big Meeting gets bigger

06 Jul 2017

The 133rd Durham Miners’ Gala this Saturday will see some 150,000 march through the ancient city. Davie Douglass looks at the history and the ongoing significance

The Corbyn phenomenon

06 Jul 2017

It is important to know where we are and where we are going, argues Tony Greenstein

A new generation

06 Jul 2017

After Saturday’s inspiring demonstration, Peter Manson asks what the next steps should be

Now let’s crush the Blairites

06 Jul 2017

There is a greater opportunity than ever to break the grip of the right, argues Paul Demarty

Three-minute slots

22 Jun 2017

David Shearer of Labour Party Marxists reports on a less than inspiring meeting

Parallel campaign delivers win

15 Jun 2017

One the greatest upsets of the election took place in Sheffield Hallam, where a pro-Corbyn candidate defeated Nick Clegg. Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists reports

May’s fatal miscalculation

15 Jun 2017

Corbyn must press home his advantage after June 8, urges Tony Greenstein

Things have just got even better

15 Jun 2017

The unexpected general election result has considerably weakened the Tories and strengthened Jeremy Corbyn’s position. The left has a real chance of transforming the Labour Party into a united front of a special kind, says James Marshall of Labour Party Marxists

Bloodied, but not broken

15 Jun 2017

Paul Demarty examines the media’s role in May’s humiliation

Prepare for after June 8

01 Jun 2017

With only one week to go, a better Labour result than in 2015 might help persuade Jeremy Corbyn to stay on a leader, argues David Shearer of Labour Party Marxists

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