
Democracy & State > Labour

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

NEC readmits leftwingers

08 Feb 2018

But hopes that this might mark the beginning of the end of the witch-hunt could be premature, warns Carla Roberts

End the witch hunt

25 Jan 2018

Stan Keable, secretary of Labour Against the Witchhunt, reports on a successful lobby of Labour’s NEC

Democratise the party

18 Jan 2018

The election of Christine Shawcroft as chair of Labour’s disputes panel gives some hope that Jeremy Corbyn and his allies might finally put an end to the witch-hunt, says Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists

Building up steam

11 Jan 2018

Labour Against the Witchhunt secretary Stan Keable reports on the debates and decisions

Labour tails Tory rebels

21 Dec 2017

Calling the modern powers to revise statutes by regulations ‘Henry VIII clauses’ gives the whole Brexit exercise a spurious air of English antiquity, argues Mike Macnair

Calling all witches

21 Dec 2017

Motion against witch-hunts

Anti-Semitism? It’s Israel, stupid!

07 Dec 2017

Tony Greenstein responds to the false accusations made against him as part of the rightwing-driven witch-hunt. This is an edited version of his submission to Labour’s national constitutional committee

Farcical and malicious

07 Dec 2017

The December 2 Labour Against the Witchhunt meeting included an important contribution by black activist Marc Wadsworth. Alan Fox reports

Step up the campaign

07 Dec 2017

David Shearer of Labour Party Marxists reports on the latest plans and developments

Zionism and holocaust abuse

30 Nov 2017

It is completely legitimate to draw comparisons with the Nazis, insists Tony Greenstein

Protecting the northern flank

23 Nov 2017

The right’s grip on the Scottish Labour Party is starting to slip, writes Paul Demarty. But there is a long way to go

Target for a witch-hunt

16 Nov 2017

Moshé Machover, recently reinstated into the Labour Party following his summary expulsion, addressed a meeting organised by the CPGB and Labour Party Marxists on November 12

Build the momentum

02 Nov 2017

In an outstanding victory against the rightwing witch-hunters, Moshé Machover has been unconditionally reinstated as a Labour member. David Shearer of Labour Party Marxists urges comrades to build on the success of the campaign to overturn his expulsion

Corbyn must speak out

26 Oct 2017

David Shearer of Labour Party Marxists reports on the launch of a promising new campaign

Spooks and a Corbyn government

26 Oct 2017

Neither the secret state nor the armed forces have undergone any kind of fundamental change, warns Jack Conrad. They remain a clear and present danger

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