
Democracy & State > Labour

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

With a whimper

18 May 2017

Labour’s proposals on union rights amount to mere tinkering, writes Mike Macnair

Aim to be a party of extreme opposition

18 May 2017

That a Corbyn-led Labour Party would trail way behind in the polls was always eminently predictable. Nevertheless, says James Marshall of Labour Party Marxists, too many on the left are in a panic, are clutching at straws and are sadly deluding themselves about Labour’s manifesto

Final resolution

11 May 2017

Adopted by the May 7, 2017 CPGB aggregate meeting

What happens after June 8?

11 May 2017

Peter Manson reports on last weekend’s meeting of CPGB members

Turning the other cheek

04 May 2017

Demoralisation or fightback? That is the main question after June 8, writes Eddie Ford

Cohering the Labour left

27 Apr 2017

Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists reports on the first meeting of the Grassroots Momentum steering committee on April 22 in London

Crush the saboteurs

27 Apr 2017

Eddie Ford says that after June 8 Jeremy Corbyn must stay on to fight the right, not fall on his sword

You still can’t say it

20 Apr 2017

Chris Gray reviews: Ken Livingstone, 'You can’t say that: memoirs', Faber, 2011,pp710, £9.99

Plans for blue murder

20 Apr 2017

Eddie Ford is not remotely surprised that Theresa May has called a snap election

Digging our own hole

13 Apr 2017

The left itself must take some responsibility for the Ken Livingstone debacle, argues Paul Demarty

Compulsory lies

06 Apr 2017

Caving in to the ‘anti-Semitism’ falsehoods is Labour’s contribution to the ‘post-truth society’, writes Mike Macnair

Labour’s Star Chamber

06 Apr 2017

Why do the witch-hunters refuse to deal with the content? Tony Greenstein comments on the Livingstone verdict

Wasted opportunities galore

30 Mar 2017

Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists was appalled by Momentum’s ‘inaugural conference’ and its Duracell bunnies

Price of divorce

30 Mar 2017

Theresa May might have triggered article 50, writes Eddie Ford, but the future is uncertain for both Britain and Europe

Much confusion, little clarity

16 Mar 2017

William Sarsfield spoke to Labour Party Marxists supporter Tina Werkmann, who was elected to the Grassroots Momentum steering committee

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