
Imperialism & War

Grounds for optimism

03 Feb 2011

Israeli socialist Moshé Machover talks to Mark Fischer about the implications of the uprising in Egypt for the whole region

Progressive sentiments amidst reactionary illusions

25 Jul 2013

Gilbert Achcar has strongly objected to being described as a ‘social-imperialist’ in the Weekly Worker. So what is the truth about him? Yassamine Mather investigates

Snowden and the state: David and Goliath in high tech

11 Jul 2013

People like Edward Snowden may normally function as software in a hard drive, writes Jim Creegan, but for the state they have one drawback: they can think

Egypt & SWP: Nothing revolutionary about a high command coup

11 Jul 2013

The SWP’s flip-flop on the Muslim Brotherhood reflects a profound crisis of perspectives, argues Ben Lewis

Egypt: Two reactionary forces

11 Jul 2013

Celebrations at the fall of Mursi are understandable, writes Yassamine Mather, but no-one should have illusions in the role of the army

By their friends shall you know them

04 Jul 2013

Backed to the hilt by the west, tiny Qatar is a monarchical dictatorship. Yet, observes Eddie Ford, it is also an enthusiastic supporter of the ‘Syrian revolution’ so lauded by the SWP

How the triumvirate marched all the way to failure

20 Jun 2013

Callum Williamson reviews: Chris Nineham, 'The people v Tony Blair: politics, the media and the anti-war movement'. Zero Books, 2012, pp87, £6.99

Militarisation of cyberspace gathers speed

13 Jun 2013

Tensions between China and the US over cyber-security are a reminder of the hidden dangers of the information age, writes Paul Demarty

Iran: Boycott sham elections

30 May 2013

Yassamine Mather advocates a boycott and stresses the need for regime change from below

Iran: Election farce exposes regime’s crisis

23 May 2013

The Iranian elections are a travesty that demand a boycott, says Yassamine Mather

Zionist myths: Hebrew versus Jewish identity

16 May 2013

This is an expanded version of the talk given by Moshé Machover at the March 3 London conference, ‘Reclaiming an Alternative Jewish Culture and Identity’

Syrian bombing: Netanyahu attempts to provoke new confrontation

09 May 2013

Over the weekend of May 4-5 Israel launched air raids against targets in Syria. Yassamine Mather and Moshé Machover, two members of the Hands Off the People of Iran steering committee, discuss the issues raised by this latest development

Iran May Day: Defying the regime

02 May 2013

Yassamine Mather reports on the growing politicisation of the Iranian workers' movement

Syria: Toxic weapons and revolutionary illusions

02 May 2013

Even if it is true that Assad is employing chemical weapons, writes Peter Manson, Obama does not want to act in a way that would trigger the total breakdown of the Syrian state

Margaret Thatcher: The woman who armed Saddam Hussein

25 Apr 2013

Yassamine Mather digs up some of the recently departed's dirty politcal laundry

North Korea stand-off: Obama raises the stakes

04 Apr 2013

US provocation in the Korean peninsula has the potential to destabilise the entire region, argues Eddie Ford

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