
Imperialism & War

Grounds for optimism

03 Feb 2011

Israeli socialist Moshé Machover talks to Mark Fischer about the implications of the uprising in Egypt for the whole region

Changed and unchanged

30 Jan 2014

What do the negotiations with Iran tell us about US policy? This is an edited version of a talk given by Mike Macnair to the January 25 Hands Off the People of Iran day school

HOPI: Grappling with the new situation

30 Jan 2014

How to meet the challenge presented by the US-Iran deal? Peter Manson reports on Hopi’s day school

Palestine: Collectivising the mice

30 Jan 2014

The Arab working class is the agency that can win a Palestinian state, argues Tony Greenstein

Behind the liberal facade of Rowhani

23 Jan 2014

Despite the easing of sanctions and the mixed messages in Tehran, writes Yassamine Mather, the Islamic regime is thoroughly committed to the capitalist free market, not the welfare of the masses

WW I: Necessary and sufficient condition

16 Jan 2014

We need look no further than imperialism to establish the underlying cause of the carnage. Chris Gray completes his examination of 1914-18

The shame of imperialism

09 Jan 2014

As shown by Michael Gove’s stupid remarks, the bourgeoisie cannot admit its responsibility for the carnage of 1914-18. In this two-part article Chris Gray examines the origins of the ‘war to end all wars’

Mainspring of the Arab revolt

09 Jan 2014

Moshé Machover reviews: Adam Hanieh, 'Lineages of revolt: issues of contemporary capitalism in the Middle East', Haymarket Books, 2013, pp273, £14.99

Pull the other one

09 Jan 2014

Michael Gove wants us to believe that 1914 saw the beginning of a just war in defence of liberty. And he is not alone, writes Eddie Ford

A region in flux

19 Dec 2013

Yassamine Mather of Hands off the People of Iran examines the failure of political Islam and imperialism’s attempts to adjust its alliances

Palestine/Israel: Belling the cat

12 Dec 2013

Does the demise of apartheid provide a model for the ending of Zionism? Moshé Machover exposes this notion for the fallacy it is

Iran-US: Paper tigers and false victories

28 Nov 2013

The deal with Iran represents a partial, but important success for imperialism, writes Yassamine Mather

Celebration of imperialist crimes

14 Nov 2013

Eddie Ford wants us to defy the poppy police

Iran: End sanctions now

14 Nov 2013

Whatever the final result of negotiations, writes Yassamine Mather, it is the millions of ordinary Iranians, not their rulers, who have suffered

Israel-Iran: An enemy at all costs

14 Nov 2013

Alongside the Saudis, Israel is pulling out all the stops to prevent a settlement with Iran. Tony Greenstein looks at Binyamin Netanyahu’s contortions

Iran executions: Brutal signal to opponents

07 Nov 2013

Yassamine Mather reports on the latest wave of executions

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