
Imperialism & War

Grounds for optimism

03 Feb 2011

Israeli socialist Moshé Machover talks to Mark Fischer about the implications of the uprising in Egypt for the whole region

Iran coup: Tudeh’s inglorious role

06 Dec 2012

Torab Saleth reviews: Ervand Abrahamian, 'The coup: 1953, the CIA and the roots of modern US-Iranian relations', New Press, 2013, pp304, £16.84

Egypt Mursi: Showing his true colours

29 Nov 2012

The SWP's decision to call for a Muslim Brotherhood vote in Egypt is coming back to haunt them, writes Peter Manson

Kurdistan: Victory, but no solution

22 Nov 2012

Despite the ending of the prisoners’ hunger-strikes, the Kurdish question remains unresolved, writes Esen Uslu

Gaza: Masters of the Goebbels lie

22 Nov 2012

The mainstream narrative of Israel, Palestine and the middle east is a Big Lie, writes Tony Greenstein

US elections: Mugged by reality

15 Nov 2012

The US presidential election of 2012 is less interesting for the victory of Barack Obama than for the debacle of the Republican Party, writes Jim Creegan

Solidarity with the people of Iran

15 Nov 2012

Model motion from Hands Off the People of Iran

Iran tribunal: In the firing line

15 Nov 2012

When is a political tribunal ‘non-political’? Hands Off the People of Iran national secretary Mark Fischer responds to the latest salvo of pro-imperialist apologetics

Iran Solidarity: Solidarity run

15 Nov 2012

Comrades and friends of Workers Fund Iran are doing another solidarity marathon run reports Jamie Tedford

Obama election: Return of a rational reactionary

08 Nov 2012

The absence of a viable working class alternative means American voters are treated as fools, argues Paul Demarty

Kurdistan: Hunger strike reaches critical stage

01 Nov 2012

Esen Uslu reports on a travesty of justice

US elections: The more effective evil

01 Nov 2012

Barack Obama hardly represents a rampart against Republican extremism, as some on the left still maintain. Jim Creegan looks at the state of play in the final week of the election campaign

Iran: Sanctions mean war on the people

18 Oct 2012

Hands Off the People of Iran remains true to its slogan, ‘No to imperialism, no to the Islamic regime’. Yassamine Mather describes the devastation and hunger inflicted on Iranians

US elections: Crazy politics and class forces

11 Oct 2012

Jim Creegan examines the campaign of the Republican Party in the 2012 presidential elections

Iran Tribunal: Credibility drains away

04 Oct 2012

A prominent member of the German left party, Die Linke, has joined others in withdrawing support for the Iran Tribunal. Tina Becker reports

Anti-Germans: Not part of the left

04 Oct 2012

The ‘anti-Germans’ should have no place in working class organisations, argues Maciej Zurowski

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