
Imperialism & War

Grounds for optimism

03 Feb 2011

Israeli socialist Moshé Machover talks to Mark Fischer about the implications of the uprising in Egypt for the whole region

Iran: Step up solidarity

17 Oct 2013

The apparent thaw in US-Iran relations could offer new opportunities for the workers’ movement, argues Yassamine Mather

Telephone diplomacy riles Israeli hawks and Iranian conservatives

03 Oct 2013

Immediate results from the thaw in US-Iran relations will be few and far between, warns Yassamine Mather

Rethinking imperialism

03 Oct 2013

Was Lenin right when he called imperialism the ‘highest stage of capitalism’? Mike Macnair believes he was very wrong

Iran: Edging towards a settlement

26 Sep 2013

US sanctions appear to have produced results for imperialism, writes Yassamine Mather

US decline: The shock and awe that wasn’t

26 Sep 2013

Jim Creegan analyses the secular decline of the United States as the world hegemon and the failure of Barack Obama’s Syria gambit

Imperialism: More than Syria in its sights

19 Sep 2013

There has been a dramatic change in the politics of the Middle East, writes Yassamine Mather

STWC: Main enemy is at home

19 Sep 2013

Stan Keable of Labour Party Marxists reports on the September 14 Stop the War Coalition AGM

Gilbert Achcar: Enough ‘humanitarian’ exceptions

05 Sep 2013

Imperialist military intervention is always designed to advance imperialist interests. Yassamine Mather responds to the excuses of Gilbert Achcar

Arab spring turns to winter

05 Sep 2013

Tony Greenstein gives his view on the cooling prospects of the Arab Springs

Syria: Not a revolution

05 Sep 2013

The left is in danger of becoming a cheerleader for overtly reactionary forces, observes Harley Filben. Syria is being divided along sectarian, not class-struggle, lines

Syria: War bid hits buffers

05 Sep 2013

The UK will not be taking part in any punishment strikes on Syria for now, but the threat of imperialist intervention remains, writes Paul Demarty

Egypt: Counterrevolution devours its children

29 Aug 2013

A high command coup is not a revolution, says Harley Filben

Manning conviction: A sick parody of justice

08 Aug 2013

The conviction of Bradley Manning shows the need to abolish state secrecy, argues Paul Demarty

Iran: No let-up on sanctions

01 Aug 2013

How long after the inauguration of the new president before disillusionment sets in? Yassamine Mather discusses the limitations of Hassan Rowhani

Israel - Palestine: Déjà vu all over again

25 Jul 2013

Moshé Machover finds the recent 'peace process' talk oddly familiar

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