
Imperialism & War

Grounds for optimism

03 Feb 2011

Israeli socialist Moshé Machover talks to Mark Fischer about the implications of the uprising in Egypt for the whole region

Zionist racism on display

11 Jul 2014

The disparity in the treatment of two bereaved families is a direct consequence of a Jewish state, writes Tony Greenstein

Descent into regional chaos, horror and fragmentation

11 Jul 2014

Bush and Blair promised democracy and prosperity, writes Yassamine Mather - a lie echoed by their social-imperialist allies

AWL: Apologists without logic

03 Jul 2014

Arthur Bough examines the AWL’s failure to oppose imperialist intervention

Kollontai: Leaving behind Menshevik pacifism

03 Jul 2014

She may have been best known for her work on the women question, writes Anne McShane, but Alexandra Kollontai was at the heart of the revolutionary fight against the imperialist war

Iran: Arrogance and the supreme leader

26 Jun 2014

As Iran and the US edge closer towards cooperation over Iraq, Yassamine Mather looks at the evolution of Ali Khamenei

Iraq: A disaster waiting to happen

19 Jun 2014

The US and Iran find themselves on the same side and ready to cooperate, warns Yassamine Mather

Condition of the working class movement

12 Jun 2014

Torab Saleth of Hands Off the People of Iran assesses the strengths and weaknesses

Regime still on the ropes

22 May 2014

Deadlock over nuclear negotiations has exacerbated tensions both inside and outside Iran, notes Yassamine Mather

Exploitation and illusions about 'anti-imperialism'

22 May 2014

Mike Macnair completes his reply to Ian Donovan

Political legacy of hostage crisis

22 May 2014

The 1979 seizure of the US embassy in Tehran had nothing to do with ‘anti-imperialism’, argues Yassamine Mather

Throwing babies out with the bathwater

17 Apr 2014

Are those who refer to the USSR as state-capitalist just ‘taking moral distance’ from Stalinism? Ian Donovan responds to Mike Macnair

West's wounded imperial pride

27 Mar 2014

Eddie Ford calls for opposition to the escalating campaign for sanctions against Russia and to ‘nonlethal’ military assistance to Ukraine

Anti-imperialist illusions

20 Mar 2014

What does the class-political independence of the proletariat mean in practice? Mike Macnair replies to Ian Donovan’s allegations of ‘third campism’

End all sanctions, free the prisoners

13 Mar 2014

Now is the time to step up the pressure, writes Yassamine Mather

Crimea: Danger of wider conflict

06 Mar 2014

Vladimir Putin is unlikely to back down over Crimea, writes Eddie Ford

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