
Democracy & State > Europe

Europe's mutual suicide pact

19 Jan 2012

Austerity plans pursued by European governments are proving to be self-defeating, writes Eddie Ford

Austerity in a modified form

09 Jul 2015

We need to distance ourselves from the Syriza/Anel coalition government, argues Eddie Ford - not heap praise on it

Renzi’s support plummets

02 Jul 2015

The rightwing offensive on immigration and gay partnerships, combined with the corruption of local administrations, has left the PD struggling, writes Toby Abse

Euro leaders seek regime change

02 Jul 2015

Syriza is now reaping the consequences of having taken office, writes Eddie Ford

Take it or leave it

18 Jun 2015

Syriza’s options are rapidly running out, says Eddie Ford. Whether inside or outside the euro, austerity will not go away

Smacking of desperation

11 Jun 2015

Will Athens submit to the ‘institutions’ or get booted out of the euro zone? Eddie Ford looks at the latest negotiations

Who will fill the vacuum?

04 Jun 2015

There is no viable radical left alternative, writes Toby Abse

Crunch time approaches

30 Apr 2015

Does Syriza have a plan B, wonders Eddie Ford, and is it viable?

Robbing Peter to pay Alexis

23 Apr 2015

Athens is running out of money fast, writes Eddie Ford. But will Alexis Tsipras capitulate?

Against coalitionism

09 Apr 2015

Jos Alembic reflects on the progress of the Socialist Party during the recent provincial elections and looks ahead to the party’s congress in November

A model and its limits

19 Mar 2015

Mickey Coulter took part in a debate on ‘Syriza and the European left’, hosted by Sheffield Left Unity

Lega Nord and neo-fascism

05 Mar 2015

The economic crisis is leaving an opening for the neo-fascist right in Italy, reports Toby Abse

Austerity in the colours of Syriza

26 Feb 2015

Athens inevitably blinked first, writes Eddie Ford - and Greece will continue to suffer ever more poverty as a debt colony

Crackdown must be resisted

19 Feb 2015

Anne McShane reports on the Irish struggle against the water tax

Spanish steps to oblivion

19 Feb 2015

Paul Preston The last Stalinist: the life of Santiago Carrillo William Collins, 2014, pp448, £12.99

The debt is illegitimate

19 Feb 2015

Yassamine Mather looks at the background to the Greek crisis

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