
Democracy & State > Europe

Europe's mutual suicide pact

19 Jan 2012

Austerity plans pursued by European governments are proving to be self-defeating, writes Eddie Ford

Making a beginning

12 Feb 2015

The left should campaign for a Europe-wide constituent assembly, argues Chris Gray

Aftermath of Syriza’s election

12 Feb 2015

Azhdar Ashkan can see no long-term solution to the crisis within the current order

No more Herr Nice Guy

12 Feb 2015

Only the presence of strong international solidarity can be the basis for opposing capitalism, writes Paul Demarty

A game of chicken

05 Feb 2015

Who will blink first - Alexis Tsipras or Angela Merkel? Possibly neither, worries Paul Demarty

Renzi in command

05 Feb 2015

There is no doubting who the main loser is following the election of the new president, reports Toby Abse

Victory tainted by right populists

29 Jan 2015

Syriza’s problems are only just beginning, predicts Eddie Ford

Nationalism and role of Pegida

22 Jan 2015

Tina Becker examines the impact of Germany’s new rightwing force

Desire to take power triumphs

22 Jan 2015

Anne McShane describes how Sinn Féin has gone about trying to wreck the Right to Water campaign

Avoid the temptation of power

22 Jan 2015

Eddie Ford looks at the situation in Greece in light of the classic Marxist position - it is often necessary to hold back the spontaneous movement

After old man Napolitano

08 Jan 2015

As the Italian president prepares to step down, Toby Abse looks at the likely contenders

What if Syriza wins?

08 Jan 2015

Is the left obliged to spread illusions in a Syriza government? No, quite the opposite, argues Eddie Ford

A dangerous game

23 Oct 2014

David Cameron’s appeasement of the Eurosceptic right could backfire dramatically, warns Paul Demarty

Going nowhere fast

16 Oct 2014

As Germany slides toward recession, writes Eddie Ford, indefinite stagnation seems to be on the cards for the euro zone - which is bad news for George Osborne

Catalonia: Backward project of nationalism

18 Sep 2014

Secessionist movements throughout Europe are taking inspiration from the Scottish referendum, writes Eddie Ford

Cameron: Boxed into a tight corner

26 Jun 2014

David Cameron’s incompetent campaign against Jean-Claude Juncker has exposed his lack of bargaining power within Europe, says Eddie Ford

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