
Democracy & State > Europe

Europe's mutual suicide pact

19 Jan 2012

Austerity plans pursued by European governments are proving to be self-defeating, writes Eddie Ford

M5S takes ex-communist stronghold

12 Jun 2014

Despite the views of some who ought to know better, there is nothing progressive about Beppe Grillo, argues Toby Abse

Our men in Kiev and Donetsk

05 Jun 2014

The far right are enemies, not friends, says Eddie Ford

Renzi's rightward march

05 Jun 2014

Last week’s elections have confirmed the trajectory of ‘Italy’s Tony Blair’, writes Toby Abse

Europe: Alternative to populism

29 May 2014

Have the courage to think of a different Europe, urges Yassamine Mather

May 22: Vote Tusc, vote left

22 May 2014

In the absence of Labour anti-cuts candidates, Peter Manson calls for critical support for the left in next month’s local elections

French election: First the 'red wave', then the blue

10 Apr 2014

Hollande’s electoral humiliation at the hands of the right shows the necessity of independent working class politics, argues Eddie Ford

Electoral reform and Greek gifts

20 Mar 2014

While the new premier seems destined to disappoint, sections of the left have joined forces in a lash-up that looks set to leave workers cold. Toby Abse reports

West and Putin up the ante

20 Mar 2014

Mainstream hypocrisy takes some beating, writes Eddie Ford

Italy: New beginning signals further attacks

27 Feb 2014

Renzi’s administration intends to further erode workers’ rights, writes Toby Abse

Italy: The new Tony Blair

20 Feb 2014

The premiership of Matteo Renzi will make the previous government look positively progressive, writes Toby Abse

Italy: Back into the centre of politics

06 Feb 2014

Haggling over the new electoral law has given the former premier some breathing space, writes Toby Abse

Ukraine: Great power tug of war

06 Feb 2014

The US and the EU are on one side, Russia is on the other; the human victims are the Ukrainian population, writes Eddie Ford

Running the show from outside

05 Dec 2013

The absence of any serious leftwing political force leaves the working class in the unenviable position of choosing the butcher, writes Toby Abse

LRC: Surviving, but still shrinking

28 Nov 2013

Stan Keable of Labour Party Marxists reports on the annual conference of the Labour Representation Committee

Syriza: Looking to its right

21 Nov 2013

Syriza has been held up as a party that should be emulated. Daniel Harvey examines the reality

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