
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Bid for Brexit glory

03 Oct 2019

This really is crunch time for Boris Johnson - striking a deal with the DUP and submitting his ‘two borders’ plan to the EU. But, asks Eddie Ford, can he survive the storm?

Establishment at an impasse

03 Oct 2019

While Boris Johnson may well hanker after an illiberal democracy, Jack Conrad warns that parliamentary deals, calls for a caretaker government and campaigning for a second referendum are worse than useless.

The party organ of the state

26 Sep 2019

Paul Demarty comments on the retirement of John Humphrys from BBC Radio 4’s Today programme.

Battle far from won

26 Sep 2019

While the majority of CLP delegates reject the anti-left smear campaign, the right has the backing of the capitalist media. That, together with a conciliating leadership, gives them the upper hand, writes Peter Manson.

Democratise the block vote

26 Sep 2019

David Shearer of Labour Party Marxists reminds us of one of the key tasks we face

Politics of the past, politics of the future

26 Sep 2019

Bill Hodgson of Labour Party Marxists reports that, although in terms of numbers the right was hardly in evidence at conference, there were big clashes and latent possibilities.

Watson survives for the moment

26 Sep 2019

There was a growing mood of defiance on display amongst CLP delegates, writes William Sarsfield.

Judges, politics and democracy

26 Sep 2019

Mike Macnair warns that the Supreme Court decision on prorogation could be used as a precedent to block radical measures by a Labour government.

Coming to the rescue

20 Sep 2019

The Partito Democratico - an amalgam of Christian democrats and former ‘communists’ - have joined the ‘anti-establishment’ populists of the Five Star Movement in a new government. Toby Abse reports on what he calls the new ‘popular front’.

Flies in the ointment

12 Sep 2019

Whither the Brexit Party? James Harvey thinks it has no long-term future.

No pacts, no coalitions

12 Sep 2019

The willingness of the Labour leadership to bloc with Liberal Democrats, Scottish nationalists and Tory rebels is a mistake, argues Paul Demarty. It could easily presage a government of national unity.

Desperate times, desperate measures

12 Sep 2019

Ever since he got elected, Boris Johnson has been acting in a ‘revolutionary’ fashion and shows no sign of rowing back, writes Eddie Ford.

Outmanoeuvred by Johnson

05 Sep 2019

The left’s response to the prorogation of parliament betrays a shallow view of democracy, argues Paul Demarty.

Heads I win, tails you lose

05 Sep 2019

Stay focused, urges Eddie Ford. Prorogation was not a ‘coup’ and the central question still remains transforming the Labour Party - not a general election.

No playing by Queensberry Rules

16 Aug 2019

The political establishment now faces a blunt choice of either crashing out of the EU or forming a national government, writes Eddie Ford.

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