
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Pretend language of democracy

06 Dec 2019

Thomas Klikauer and Norman Simms see the ugly old face of classic fascism behind the new social media veneer.

Cold light of day

06 Dec 2019

Could a Labour government really act in the interests of both workers and capital? Rex Dunn gives his take on the Financial Times and Jeremy Corbyn’s 2019 manifesto.

Expect the worst, hope for the best

06 Dec 2019

Corbyn has only himself to blame for Labour’s predicament, writes Tony Greenstein.

Breeding ground for terrorists

06 Dec 2019

The Tories’ populist response to the London Bridge attack is no surprise. But the relationship between the prison system and Islamist terrorism seems to be symbiotic, argues Paul Demarty.

Within the current order

28 Nov 2019

Win or lose the general election, the fight to transform Labour will continue, writes Peter Manson.

What the critics are missing

28 Nov 2019

Paul Demarty looks at the fallout from Roger Hallam’s invocation of the holocaust.

Broadband and ‘communist schemes’

22 Nov 2019

Despite Corbyn’s retreats, we call for a Labour vote, writes David Shearer of Labour Party Marxists.

Vote Mark Serwotka

22 Nov 2019

Dave Vincent gives his take on the PCS general secretary election and the factional background.

Open the borders

22 Nov 2019

We should end the distinction between refugees and economic migrants, declares Anne McShane.

Cancel the monarchy

22 Nov 2019

Andrew Windsor’s bizarre Newsnight interview should strengthen our resolve to fight for a democratic republic, argues Paul Demarty.

Sinking, but not yet sunk

15 Nov 2019

Rex Dunn discusses Brexit, the future of neoliberalism and the system’s potential for disintegration.

Socialists should support Williamson

15 Nov 2019

The left is not obliged to abide by rules which the right holds in such contempt, argues Tony Greenstein.

Former ministers show true colours

15 Nov 2019

Blairites are really Tories in disguise. If we are going to transform the Labour Party we must get rid of the lot of them, writes Eddie Ford

Far right conquers ‘red Umbria’

10 Nov 2019

Toby Abse explains the continuing decline of the Italian centre-left and the complete marginalization of the far left.

Cure worse than the disease

08 Nov 2019

The left should have no truck with clampdowns on the ‘abuse’ of politicians, argues Paul Demarty.

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