
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Marx’s vision

08 Aug 2019

In his second article, Nick Rogers concludes that there is no basis in the writing of Marx for Lenin’s schema of socialism and communism. Marx wrote no blueprints for how the future society should be organised.

Abuse and cover-ups

08 Aug 2019

Even as the Independent Inquiry into Child Sex Abuse reveals yet more evidence of systematic rapes and sexual assaults, Peter Manson asks why Tom Watson still faces attack over his role in the Carl Beech affair.

The clock is the spur

08 Aug 2019

Only a national government can stop Brexit, and that would mean splitting the Labour Party, reckons Eddie Ford.

Lenin’s misreading of Marx

02 Aug 2019

In the first of a two-part article, Nick Rogers claims that Lenin’s "The state and revolution" introduced the concept of socialism and communism as two different forms of post-capitalist society. His contention is that this established a “framework” that in the 20th century was abused to “justify Stalinist practice”.

Election has already begun

02 Aug 2019

Boris Johnson’s spending spree and visits to the four corners of the UK are about seeing off Jeremy Corbyn, but, writes Eddie Fordthe parliamentary establishment might still make a decisive move.

Tribunes of the right

25 Jul 2019

Peter Manson lays bare a blatant case of political theft

Giving legitimacy to Zionism

25 Jul 2019

David Shearer of Labour Party Marxists looks at Corbyn’s latest attempt to appease the right

Brexit do or die

25 Jul 2019

Eddie Ford asks if Boris Johnson can deliver where Theresa May failed

Brexit and reunification

18 Jul 2019

James Harvey considers the consequences in the Six Counties if the United Kingdom really does leave the EU

BBC’s war on Corbyn

18 Jul 2019

Panorama’s ‘Is Labour anti-Semitic?’ would have made Pravda proud, argues Tony Greenstein

The politics of offence

18 Jul 2019

Eddie Ford thinks everybody should be open to political criticism - even those who are pregnant or receiving treatment for illness

A new mood dawns

18 Jul 2019

William Sarsfield reports from the Durham Miners Gala 2019, where the ‘Appeal for a Labour Left Alliance’ was very well received

Volatile times ahead

18 Jul 2019

We are heading for a constitutional crisis, writes Peter Manson and certainly an early general election.

Constitutional or political?

18 Jul 2019

Mike Macnair asks whether talk of a ‘constitutional crisis’ following the election of Boris Johnson as Tory leader is real or illusory

From bailout to Brexit

12 Jul 2019

The Dublin government sees its future with mainland Europe, not an insular UK, writes James Harvey

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