
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Going nowhere fast

28 Jan 2021

If 2020 was a year of bitter disappointment and demoralisation for the Labour left, then 2021 is shaping up to be no better, writes James Harvey

Light and air

28 Jan 2021

Paul Demarty insists that unrestricted free speech is central to the communist project

Honing and updating

28 Jan 2021

Vernon Price reports on last weekend’s membership aggregate and the three debates over programme

Fudge, muddle, clarity

28 Jan 2021

James Marshall of Labour Party Marxists provides a rough guide to the issues and arguments that will dominate the January 30 Zoom conference

Old regime is cracking apart

28 Jan 2021

Not a Tudor but a Whig republic. Bradley Mayer sees change coming sooner than many expect

No dodging self-determination

21 Jan 2021

Whoever is chosen as leader, the Scottish Labour Party is cruising for a bruising, reckons Paul Demarty

Abolish the mayors

21 Jan 2021

We need accountability in local government and in our movement too. James Harvey looks at the corruption scandal in Liverpool

Open and honest debate

14 Jan 2021

The CPGB’s first online winter school proved to be a real success. James Harvey reports

A conservative revolution

14 Jan 2021

National sovereignty crystalised Gaelicism and late Victorian mores. Marc Mulholland argues, in his second article, that there was no transformation of popular consciousness

Simplistic and one-sided

14 Jan 2021

It is essential to openly and honestly discuss the EHRC report, insists suspended Labour member Tom Conwell

End of internet anarchy

14 Jan 2021

Fallout from the Capitol invasion shows that pacification of social media is well underway, says Paul Demarty

Back to square one

07 Jan 2021

The Covid catastrophe - fuelled by monumental incompetence - has forced the government to impose a new national lockdown. For the labour movement that is neither something to celebrate nor to vote for, writes Eddie Ford

Socialism, nationalism and Ireland

07 Jan 2021

Before and during the Second International there were many different approaches to the questions of socialism and nationalism. In Ireland James Connolly banked on nationalists taking a positive attitude towards the cause of labour. In his next article Marc Mulholland will look at Ireland’s conservative revolution

Theses on Keir Starmer’s Labour Party

07 Jan 2021

A serious accounting for the failures of Corbynism cannot be avoided any longer. Our perspectives must go beyond capitalism. We have had enough silly initiatives and attempts to close or limit debate. Labour Party Marxists has submitted this contribution to the Labour Left Alliance’s January 30 conference

End of the beginning

07 Jan 2021

The Brexit trade deal settles little - the EU will haunt British politics for years to come, writes Paul Demarty

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