
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

SCOTLAND SUPPLEMENT III - Separatism, federalism, centralism

17 Dec 2020

Breaking apart existing states is not the road to socialism, but the road to defeat, writes Jack Conrad

Europe after Brexit

17 Dec 2020

As the British and European powers continue haggling, Paul Demarty assesses the state of the EU

A guide for the perplexed

17 Dec 2020

The country faces a systemic crisis. Daniel Lazare argues that ‘Repocratic’ politics inevitably leads to chaos

Attack on right to report

17 Dec 2020

Bernard Mattson investigates the charges against Julian Assange and finds them wanting

Rising tide of resistance

17 Dec 2020

Oversubscribed and eager to fight. Clive Dean of Labour Party Marxists reports on a successful launch

Time for something different

17 Dec 2020

How should the principled left respond to the Starmer witch-hunt? James Harvey of Labour Party Marxists points to an alternative which goes beyond the narrow limits of fight or flight

SCOTLAND SUPPLEMENT II - A joint oppressor

10 Dec 2020

Left nationalists are in thrall to a bogus history, argues Jack Conrad. Scotland was not subject to an English takeover with the 1707 Act of Union. Nor does Scotland suffer from English cultural imperialism

Flight or fight?

10 Dec 2020

A recent NEC vote shows that the official left is prepared to join in the witch-hunt, reports James Harvey of Labour Party Marxists

Let them be damned

10 Dec 2020

Labour’s witch-hunters in the governance and legal unit should be treated with the contempt they deserve

Test, treat, isolate and support

10 Dec 2020

Mohsen Shahmanesh examines the effectiveness, safety and likely take-up of the Covid vaccines

SCOTLAND SUPPLEMENT I - Mythical, feudal, combined

04 Dec 2020

Jack Conrad questions left-nationalist assumptions that Scotland is an ancient nation, which was reduced to the status of a mere English colony by the 1707 Act of Union

Dreams and cold realities

04 Dec 2020

With time fast running out, will it be a deal or no deal? Eddie Ford says both sides are nervous

See you in court?

03 Dec 2020

Political, not legal, action is the way forward, argues James Harvey of Labour Party Marxists

Understanding lockdown resistance

03 Dec 2020

As Boris Johnson licks his wounds, Paul Demarty examines the mounting discontent with the handling of the pandemic

Star Wars posturing

26 Nov 2020

Boris Johnson’s plan to squander billions on the armed forces in order to extend Britain’s ‘global influence’ is fully supported by Starmer’s Labour Party, notes Eddie Ford

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