
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

One year and counting

25 Mar 2021

While Boris Johnson praises ‘capitalism’ and ‘greed’, his plan to end the lockdown risks thousands more deaths, warns James Linney

Defend David Miller

18 Mar 2021

Championing unrestricted freedom of speech does not imply political agreement. Derek James of Labour Party Marxists explains

Lamb dressed as mutton

18 Mar 2021

Lawrence Parker reviews 'A centenary for socialism: Britain’s Communist Party 1920-2020' by the Communist Party of Britain, edited by Mary Davis

In the era of pandemics

18 Mar 2021

Covid-19 has brought with it the potential for genuine transformation. Mark Kosman unashamedly looks on the bright side

King and queen of America

18 Mar 2021

The royal family’s falling out illustrates the inherent authoritarianism of all bourgeois politics - monarchical or liberal, argues Paul Demarty

Living in fear

18 Mar 2021

The murder of Sarah Everard has become a symbol for the violence, threats and everyday sexism suffered by women, writes Eddie Ford

Racism and The Firm

11 Mar 2021

Arguably the royal family is facing the most serious crisis since the death of Diana Spencer, writes Eddie Ford

The afterlife of Bobby Sands

11 Mar 2021

Glowing leftwing tributes to the hunger-striker contrast markedly to the prevailing attitude 40 years ago. Paul Demarty looks at the modern-day paradoxes

Careerism on the Mersey

11 Mar 2021

James Harvey reports on the manoeuvrings and stitch-ups that have happened in the wake of the arrest of elected mayor Joe Anderson

No theory, please - we’re Labour

04 Mar 2021

Activism, never mind the politics: unfortunately this just about sums up the general approach. James Harvey reports

A central driver

04 Mar 2021

The unchanging constitution no longer ensures stability: quite the reverse. As shown by the January 6 attempted coup, it brings instability. Daniel Lazare defends his long held position

Be afraid, be very afraid

04 Mar 2021

Gaby Rubin looks at the implications of the decision to deny Shamima Begum her British citizenship

Unionist wishful thinking

04 Mar 2021

The Salmond-Sturgeon rift has given hope to anti-independence forces, writes Paul Demarty. But the national question is not so easily dealt with

Hollow man for hollow times

25 Feb 2021

Much hyped though it was, the ‘new chapter’ speech was a ‘painting by numbers’ exercise in political platitudes, writes James Harvey

The Firm vs the Sussexes

25 Feb 2021

Monarchy is part reality TV show, part constitutional check on democracy, writes Eddie Ford

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