
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Not giving any concessions

26 Nov 2020

Clive Dean of Labour Party Marxists calls for more considered debate and no more sloppy formulations

On the road to … where?

26 Nov 2020

James Harvey of Labour Party Marxists looks at the dismal record of the official Labour left

Showdown looms

26 Nov 2020

A crisis over independence is on the horizon - and things could quickly get ugly, writes Paul Demarty

High drama at No10

19 Nov 2020

The departure of Cummings and Cain was about far more than personalities, says James Harvey

An arm of the state

19 Nov 2020

David Goodhart’s appointment to the EHRC reveals the truth about the quango and its wretched report into ‘Labour anti-Semitism’, says Eddie Ford

Quinlan or Vargas?

19 Nov 2020

As a judicial inquiry commences into the surveillance of activist groups, Paul Demarty explains why the workers’ movement must fight to replace the police with a popular militia

Cutting through the cant

19 Nov 2020

Because there is so much confusion, because there are so many futile attempts to conciliate, it is all the more necessary to take a principled stand. Bob Davies reports on the motions, debates and decisions

Stonewalling unionism hankers after direct rule

12 Nov 2020

There needs to be a democratic and internationalist answer to the ever-growing demand for independence, says Eddie Ford

Pivot back to Europe

12 Nov 2020

James Harvey asks what a Biden presidency might mean for relations with Boris Johnson’s Britain

What Keir created, Keir can destroy

12 Nov 2020

With the official left suffering from Stockholm syndrome, Jack Conrad argues that, while the struggle in the Labour Party is important, it is far from central. This is an edited version of an opening given to the November 8 Online Communist Forum

Freedom of speech

05 Nov 2020

Open letter to the Labour leader, Labour Disputes and Labour Legal Queries

Putting Zionism in charge

05 Nov 2020

Outsourcing of ‘anti-Semitism’ training and disciplinary procedures to the likes of the Jewish Labour Movement must be opposed, writes Eddie Ford

Myths of unity and disunity

05 Nov 2020

The EHRC report demonstrates the bankruptcy of the official Labour left’s appeasement of the right, argues Paul Demarty

Dogs that didn’t bark

05 Nov 2020

James Harvey of Labour Party Marxists gives the reasons why the official left’s response has been so feeble to Jeremy Corbyn’s suspension

Smugglers and snakeheads

29 Oct 2020

Advocating non-racist immigration controls not only means lining up with national chauvinism, argues Eddie Ford. It is also self-defeating

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