
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Living wage

27 Apr 1995

End Bolivian state of siege

27 Apr 1995

New approach in Ireland

27 Apr 1995

Waving the imperialist flag

27 Apr 1995

No worker is illegal

27 Apr 1995

Human welfare first

27 Apr 1995

Doing the Lord’s work

27 Apr 1995

With friends like these ...

27 Apr 1995

Paisley vice

27 Apr 1995

Blair’s candidate for TGWU

27 Apr 1995

Return to liberal roots

27 Apr 1995

In the run up to the Labour Party’s special conference this weekend, we spoke to Mark Fischer, National Organiser of the CPGB, about the significance of the clause four debate and the tasks posed for the working class in the face of Blair’s ‘new’ Labour

Vote communist on May 4

27 Apr 1995

As Blair promises to move Labour more and more, not only down the Tory road, but actually down the Thatcher road, there is less and less to choose between the bosses’ parties in the local elections. Labour, Tory and Liberal all promise to run capitalism at the expense of working class rights. But there is an alternative - vote communist on May 4 and join the fight for what we need, not what Labour or Tory say they can afford

Medway’s dead council

20 Apr 1995

Dark at St Barts

20 Apr 1995

Communists campaign outside Dundee Royal Infirmary against closure

Hulme family deportation

20 Apr 1995

Marcus Miller, CP candidate for Moss Side, Manchester, calls for workers’ unity to smash immigration controls

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