
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

No promises for workers

18 May 1995

Labour woos the bosses

18 May 1995

Thornton referred to Appeal

18 May 1995

VE Day hype and lies

18 May 1995

Well done, London dockers!

18 May 1995

From Workers’ Dreadnought, paper of the Workers’ Socialist Federation, May 15 1920

Now for action!

18 May 1995

The RCN conference on Tuesday showed the extent of healthworkers’ anger towards the government and the system itself. The danger is that union leaders will cave in and settle for some shabby pay-cutting deal. Only rank and file workers can make sure they do not get away with it

Barclays strike

11 May 1995

Fight for car jobs

11 May 1995

PO climbdown

11 May 1995

Election fight for workers’ organisation

11 May 1995

Communists took their election campaign to both young and old

After the clause

11 May 1995

New Labour turns to liberalism. The left must turn from Labourism

Lobby Dundee health trust

11 May 1995

Fight for your health

11 May 1995

The government is pressing ahead with plans to close down more London hospitals after forcing through its policy this week. As well as the world famous Guys and Barts, Edgware, the Brook in Greenwich and many others will go - unless workers themselves make a stand

SUPPLEMENT: Notes on rapprochement

27 Apr 1995

Factions and the politics of Leninism

Hulme victimisation

27 Apr 1995

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