
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

On borrowed time

13 Oct 2022

Liz Truss’s early downfall seems likely - but offloading her will not resolve the contradictions of the Tory Party, argues Paul Demarty

Beware of concerned neocons

06 Oct 2022

Workers, teachers, students, school students, need solidarity from below, argues Yassamine Mather

Atlanticist post-fascist

06 Oct 2022

Giorgia Meloni will continue to align with the US-Anglosphere. However, argues Maciej Zurowski, the umbilical cord joining her with fascism remains

Another common sense is possible

06 Oct 2022

Ukraine, Nord Stream, the nuclear war danger, US China strategy, Tory unravelling and a record Labour opinion lead. Gaby Rubin reports

Sir Keir’s good week

06 Oct 2022

The left is disorientated, in denial and still suffering from an orchestrated campaign of suspensions and expulsions. Kevin Bean calls for reviving Labour Against the Witchhunt and some serious rethinking

For whom the bell tolls

06 Oct 2022

The mini-budget fiasco and the humiliation of Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng holds sobering lessons for the national socialist left, argues Paul Demarty

Cornered, bellicose and dangerous

06 Oct 2022

The lady was for turning after all, writes Eddie Ford, and the Tories are now in a state of open civil war, facing a crushing electoral defeat. So will Liz Truss play the Ukraine war card?

Protests challenge the regime

29 Sep 2022

Across the whole country, in every city, in every town, there is revolt. But does ‘post-nationalism’, rather than class politics, provide the solution? Yassamine Mather investigates

The Blob closes in

29 Sep 2022

Trump is a con artist with a transactional approach to the law. However, argues Daniel Lazare, Democrat attempts to prosecute him are political warfare by other means

Confusion reigns on the left

29 Sep 2022

Gaby Rubin reports the highs and lows of those who placed themselves within the fringe in Liverpool

Political wing of capitalist class

29 Sep 2022

While the right is relishing the prospect of government, the left is marginalised and thoroughly demoralised. Kevin Bean, expelled secretary of Wavertree CLP, reports on the Liverpool conference

Desperate throw of the dice

29 Sep 2022

With the pound falling and yields on government gilts rising, markets are delivering their verdict on Kwasi Kwarteng’s ‘growth plan’, writes Eddie Ford

The killing of Mahsa

22 Sep 2022

Yassamine Mather says the imposition of the ‘full hijab’ by the Gasht-e Ershad morality police is a class issue. Richer Iranian women, the well-connected, have little to fear

Much ado about nothing?

22 Sep 2022

Eddie Ford surveys leftwing coverage of the death, mass outpouring and funeral of Elizabeth Windsor, and finds some more lacking than others

On to the red republic

22 Sep 2022

The funeral of Elizabeth Windsor released a torrent of treacle. Paul Demarty welcomes the growing republicanism of young people, but, it is clear, we still have a mountain to climb

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