
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

God save the king, the Starmer regime

22 Sep 2022

James Harvey of Labour Party Marxists calls for rebellion against the blue Labour monarchism being foisted on the Liverpool conference

It’s the politics, stupid

15 Sep 2022

The left needs to break with economism and take the monarchy and high politics seriously. We should be fighting for a federal republic and extreme democracy, argues James Harvey

Behind the death mask

15 Sep 2022

Paul Demarty goes in search of Elizabeth Windsor’s personality and finds very little apart from cynicism, unpleasantness and self-entitlement

Learn from Oliver Cromwell

15 Sep 2022

With Charles III, no fundamental change to the monarchy will be delivered from above, writes Eddie Ford. The institution serves capitalism wonderfully as part of its system of checks and balances against democracy

Loyal to king and capital

15 Sep 2022

Yassamine Mather takes issue with those on the left who think the SNP is ‘left of centre’

Collection of Euclidean axioms

08 Sep 2022

Daniel Lazare welcomes Joe Biden’s Philadelphia speech on the danger posed by Maga Republicans, but the idea that democracy can be won by upholding an antiquated, undemocratic constitution is risible

Imperialist Russia?

08 Sep 2022

The Morning Star and Communist Review are locked into a debate on whether or not the Russian Federation should be characterised as an imperialist power. Mike Macnair investigates the protagonists and their arguments

Opting for electoral suicide

08 Sep 2022

Toby Abse surveys the mosaic of parliamentary centre-left and centre-right parties, factions and breakaways in the run-up to what looks likely to be a far-right landslide

Notes on the war

08 Sep 2022

With Kyiv’s counter-offensive, the third phase of the war has begun. While it is unlikely to be the much-touted ‘decisive’ turning point, Jack Conrad warns, we should expect the Tories to bring the war back home by playing the Ukraine card

Misremembering Gorbachev

08 Sep 2022

The death of the USSR’s final leader comes at the crisis point of the post-cold war period. Paul Demarty considers Gorbachev’s grim legacy

Storm clouds gather

08 Sep 2022

Liz Truss denounced ‘handouts’ and ‘redistribution’ on the campaign trail - now she has announced a £100 billion energy price cap. Eddie Ford gives his day-one assessment of Britain’s new prime minister

A ray of light

08 Sep 2022

Momentum behaved despicably, while the CLPD was hardly any better, but there was a welcome upset. James Harvey examines the Labour left after the NEC elections

Follow the UK example

01 Sep 2022

Shuvu Bhattarai upholds Enough is Enough as a model which socialists in the US ought to emulate. He sees it rapidly developing “into a mass working people’s party” built around basic bread and butter economic demands

Expect broken promises

01 Sep 2022

Enough is Enough will not deliver a new workers’ party. On the contrary it will enhance the career prospects of the likes of Andy Burnham and return masses of angry people to the Labour fold, argues James Harvey

After the summer of discontent

01 Sep 2022

The strike wave is set to grow in numbers, militancy and coordination. Paul Demarty warns that Liz Truss could respond by imposing wartime measures

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