
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Victory claims under scrutiny

24 Nov 2022

Why hide the truth? Vernon Price discusses an unusual contribution in the latest Pre-Conference Bulletin

Widespread and larger

24 Nov 2022

Splits are widening at the top, the protests are continuing to grow, but there are still illusions in US-sponsored regime change. Yassamine Mather comments

An ageing republic

17 Nov 2022

The Trumpists did badly but Joe Biden is highly vulnerable. Daniel Lazare looks at what passes for democracy in America

Rebuild on solid foundations

17 Nov 2022

Yassamine Mather celebrates the continuing mass protests, recognises their limitations, laments the parlous state of the left and urges unity around the basic principles upheld by Hopi

Bleak expectations

17 Nov 2022

With Rishi Sunak probably having little chance of winning the next election and Keir Starmer waiting in the wings, we should expect Austerity 3.0, writes Eddie Ford

General election now?

10 Nov 2022

Much of the left is tailing Sir Keir and the liberal media in promoting the poison of presidentialism. Kevin Bean presents the republican alternative

Turbocharging Zionist colonialism

10 Nov 2022

Negotiations to form a far-right coalition are still ongoing, but there can be no hiding Netanyahu’s victory. Moshé Machover locates the drift to the right in the Zionist project itself

Far right triumphs

10 Nov 2022

Tony Greenstein refuses to shed a tear for the virtual disappearance of the hypocritical Zionist ‘left’. They provided cover for Israel’s racism and kept alive the bogus two-state solution

Fraudulent scheme

10 Nov 2022

With the moral panic over the migrant ‘invasion’ in full swing, Dominic Raab’s bill rises from its bier. Mike Macnair separates the ‘dignified’ and ‘efficient’ parts

Highway to misery

10 Nov 2022

The Tories are coming after us again with ‘Austerity 2.0’, writes Eddie Ford. But resistance is mounting in the form of increased strike action

Trump’s bubble bursts

10 Nov 2022

The Republicans’ red wave turned into a ripple. With results still coming in, Daniel Lazare gives his assessment of the US midterms and their likely effects

Man of the markets

03 Nov 2022

Kevin Bean predicts that the prime minister will not have an easy ride. Already all the signs of trouble are there and a renewed outbreak of factional war looks likely

Buyer’s remorse

03 Nov 2022

Meta’s stock market beating and Musk’s acquisition of Twitter paint a grim picture of the state of social media, argues Paul Demarty

Welcome to Britaly

27 Oct 2022

Because it is in steep decline, the British capitalist class has lost control over what is now a fractious, incompetent and thoroughly corrupt Conservative Party. Not a few are looking to Labour for salvation, reports Kevin Bean

Give up on Starmer’s party

27 Oct 2022

Dave Vincent reviews Ten years hard Labour by Chris Williamson (Lola Books, 2022, pp406)

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