
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

A study in betrayal

23 Feb 2023

The parliamentary ‘left’ is not only cowardly. Now, applauded by journalists like Owen Jones, a section of it is urging further military escalation. Talal Hangari looks at the sorry picture

Notes on the war

23 Feb 2023

One year on, the talk is of a wider conflict, even a World War III. Jack Conrad looks at the geo-politics, the military situation and the inadequacies of the existing left

Chosen by Labour right

16 Feb 2023

Tina Werkmann gives the inside story of how Jared O’Mara was selected, how he beat the odious Nick Clegg and how he quickly spiralled into a mental health crisis. Clearly he needs help, not a four-year prison sentence

Getting out the big stick

16 Feb 2023

As part of their war against the ‘economically inactive’, the Tories want to scapegoat and harass, writes Eddie Ford

Lawless mafia capo

16 Feb 2023

It was always obvious who was responsible for the Nord Stream 1 and 2 explosions. But why did the US do it? Daniel Lazare says it is about asserting control over energy

Stoked by government ministers

16 Feb 2023

Kevin Bean reports on the Knowsley riot, its causes and the inadequacies of the economistic left’s responses

A pack of knaves

09 Feb 2023

Kim Johnson stood up for Palestinian rights, only to recant a few hours later. Kevin Bean rounds on the cowardly official Labour left

Whose constituent assembly?

09 Feb 2023

As the stalemate between the Islamic Republic and the mass opposition movement continues, Mir-Hossein Mousavi, one of the leaders of the 2009 Green movement, has called for a constituent assembly. Yassamine Mather has translated this excerpt from an article by Torab Saleth which deals with the constituent assembly from a leftwing point of view

Resisting the incoming tide

09 Feb 2023

Daniel Lazare pours scorn on the House of Representatives’ utterly incoherent, but revealing, resolution condemning the ‘horrors of socialism’

Picket lines and ballot box

09 Feb 2023

Mass strikes, soaring food and energy prices, Tory sleaze scandals - all speak of the return of the ‘British disease’. Eddie Ford says that is why sections of the mainstream media could well back Sir Keir in 2024, and why we need our own political alternative

Dispatches from the warzone

02 Feb 2023

The Tories are deliberately running down the NHS and the human cost is horrendous. But James Linney does not reckon Labour’s plans amount to anything much better

From Dixon to Carrick

02 Feb 2023

Following the latest scandal involving the Met, Eddie Ford agrees with SWP’s call for the abolition of the police. But then what?

Devolution non-recognition

02 Feb 2023

UK government uses the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill as an excuse to assert ministers’ right to micro-manage Holyrood legislation for Tory electoral advantage. Mike Macnair explores the issues

Salvaging the wreck?

02 Feb 2023

Kevin Bean of Labour Party Marxists assesses the parlous state of the official left - illusions must be cast aside

Oil workers join protests

26 Jan 2023

All manner of tiny cracks are opening up at the top levels of the theocracy. Yassamine Mather looks behind the often arcane disputes

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