
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

End right to bear arms

13 Apr 2023

Spurred on by a whole series of mass killings and a fascist militia movement, Daniel Lazare calls for the repeal of the second amendment

Yet more lies

13 Apr 2023

The Tories are way behind in opinion polls and have therefore turned to culture war issues such as trans people and further curbing free speech. Mike Macnair eviscerates what passes for their arguments

Joe’s stopover visit

13 Apr 2023

Kevin Bean looks behind the hoo-ha of the 25th anniversary celebrations marking the signing of the Good Friday agreement

Partisan of reaction

06 Apr 2023

ML Miller reviews Ben Lewis, Oswald Spengler and the politics of decline Bergharn Books, 2022, pp238, £99

Mixing left and right

06 Apr 2023

Pollsters suggest that a new party set up by Sahra Wagenknecht would gain considerable support. But, asks Carla Roberts, where are the principled politics that are so desperately needed?

Government by swarm

06 Apr 2023

The former president faces 34 criminal charges. But Trumpism will grow stronger, whatever happens at his trial, argues Daniel Lazare. He is already clear favourite to run in the 2024 election

Drugs war idiocy

06 Apr 2023

Government policy and science part company yet again, writes Eddie Ford. Banning laughing gas for recreational purposes is, when it comes to health, sheer irrationality

Driving a dead man out

06 Apr 2023

Kevin Bean asks what lies behind Sir Keir and the NEC barring Jeremy Corbyn from standing as an official Labour candidate in Islington North

Looming defeat for Erdoğan

30 Mar 2023

Esen Uslu looks ahead to the coming election that pits the centre-right against the incumbent Islamist‑nationalist right. But what about the Kurds and the fractured left?

Speech is political

30 Mar 2023

Gaby Rubin reports on a storm in a very small teacup that was actually about what has always been a central principle for communists

Creeping civil war

30 Mar 2023

Georgia votes, classified papers and Stormy Daniels hush money. Daniel Lazare weighs up the chances of Donald Trump being paraded before the press in handcuffs

A poisoned chalice

30 Mar 2023

The SNP leadership election was a close-run thing. But what now for Humza Yousaf? Scott Evans looks at the diminishing options

Turning retreat into attack

23 Mar 2023

Why are so many trade union officials settling for below-inflation deals? Kevin Bean says unions must be democratised, and renewed strength used to beat Rishi Sunak’s latest anti-trade union legislation

A fruitless crown

23 Mar 2023

The contest to replace Nicola Sturgeon has proved unexpectedly fraught. Scott Evans reports on a movement that has run out of options

Striking for pay restoration

16 Mar 2023

Richard Galen welcomes the growing influence of the left amongst junior doctors and how this had led to a surge in BMA membership

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