
Party & Programme > Class and consciousness

Wide open for the class

19 Apr 2012

What is class-consciousness? Paul B Smith discusses the possibility of a political revival

Respecting no dogmatic label

06 Mar 2014

On the occasion of the 1000th issue, Marc Mulholland reflects on the state of the left

Debate: Why still read Lukács?

23 Jan 2014

Chris Cutrone of the US Platypus group discusses the place of philosophical questions in Marxism

Divisive incorporation

23 Jan 2014

Paul Demarty on the latest attempts by politicians to assert that 'We're all middle class now'

Review: Full of militant stories but theoretically flawed

16 Jan 2014

Geoff Jones, 'Land of whose fathers? A short history of the Welsh working class', Socialist Party Wales/Plaid Sosialaidd Cymru publication, 2013, pp64, £4

IS Network: Unity in the spring?

19 Dec 2013

IS Network is in trouble again. Daniel Harvey looks at the regroupment efforts by the marsh

Sussex: Autonomists in 'feelgood' attack on SWP

19 Dec 2013

Tom Munday on the turning over of an SWP stall and the burning of their papers at Sussex university

Cops, lefts and anarchos on campus

12 Dec 2013

Last week saw an outbreak of student protest. Daniel Harvey reports

Stuart Hall: Left’s great ‘moving right’ show

05 Dec 2013

Daniel Harvey reviews: Stuart Hall, Doreen Massey, Michael Rustin (eds) 'After neoliberalism? The Kilburn manifesto', Soundings, 2013

Supplement: Left Unity’s contradictory aspirations

28 Nov 2013

A wide-ranging strategic debate has erupted on the left, Mike Macnair conducts a critical examination

Lukács: The philosophy trap

21 Nov 2013

György Lukács provided the ‘theoretical overkill’ for the bureaucratic centralism of groups like the SWP, argues Mike Macnair

Russell Brand: Hippies, clowns and technocrats

14 Nov 2013

The effect of the Russell Brand interview highlights the fragility of bourgeois politics, writes Harley Filben

Occupy: Caught in the headlights

14 Nov 2013

Daniel Harvey reviews: Mark Bray, 'Translating anarchy: the anarchism of Occupy Wall Street'. Zero Books, 2013, pp342, £15.99

Debate: Inspiring view of future society

14 Nov 2013

Is the distinction between socialism and communism necessarily Stalinist? Mike Macnair replies to Nick Rogers

Debate: CPGB’s theoretical confusion

14 Nov 2013

The Socialist Platform statement for Left Unity is more scientifically correct than the amended version featured in the CPGB’s Communist Platform, argues Nick Rogers

Oppose nationalism across the board

24 Oct 2013

Use the May 2014 Euro elections to fight for socialism and internationalism, argues James Marshall of Labour Party Marxists

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