
Party & Programme > Class and consciousness

Wide open for the class

19 Apr 2012

What is class-consciousness? Paul B Smith discusses the possibility of a political revival

Class versus people’s revolution

17 Oct 2013

The proletariat has a spontaneously collectivist class-consciousness, argues Marc Mulholland. But what implications does that have for the winning of working class power?

Review: How liberal were the bourgeois revolutions?

10 Oct 2013

Marc Mulholland reviews: Neil Davidson, 'How revolutionary were the bourgeois revolutions?', Haymarket Books, 2012, pp840, £22.99

Left culture: Politics for dummies

03 Oct 2013

Paul Demarty asks why so many on the left are afraid of talking politics

Socialist Platform: Politics of prejudice

19 Sep 2013

The fear of political groups and impatience with political meetings on display at the Socialist Platform’s first national meeting are deeply linked - and politically pernicious, argues Paul Demarty

Socialist Appeal: Waiting for the class to move

11 Jul 2013

Stan Keable of Labour Party Marxists reports on Socialist Appeal’s third Marxist summer school

Broad parties: Theories of deception

20 Jun 2013

The extent to which we practise transparency and democracy determines whether we can be taken seriously, argues Mike Macnair

People's Assembly: A rough guide

20 Jun 2013

Who is behind the launch of the People’s Assembly? What are the aims and methods? Peter Manson looks at the personalities, politics and possibilities

Lessons of May 68

06 Jun 2013

Would there have been a revolution but for the betrayal of the official leadership in France? This is an edited version of a talk given by Mike Macnair at a recent London Communist Forum

What kind of party?: Illusion is the first of all pleasures

30 May 2013

Tim Nelson of the International Socialist Network calls for a broad party in which Marxists fight to build a revolutionary movement from the bottom up

SWP: In decay and in denial

30 May 2013

Peter Manson contrasts the speakers lists for Marxism 2013 and Counterfire

Anti-sectarianism, Polish style

23 May 2013

Maciej Zurowski interviews comrades from a Polish Marxist tendency, and finds parallels with left thinking in the UK

Left Unity: Broad party illusions

23 May 2013

Ben Lewis offers some critical thoughts on a recent International Socialist Network article

Left unity: Anti-sectarian sectarianism

16 May 2013

Left Unity began badly, with existing left groups barred from attending, even as observers. Tina Becker reports on the May 11 national meeting

Marxism and philosophy: A matter of Korsch

09 May 2013

Far from making a fetish of the ‘revolutionary moment’, Karl Korsch’s seminal Marxism and philosophy is focused on preparation for revolution, writes Lawrence Parker

Left Unity: The spirit of ’45?

09 May 2013

What do we hope will come out of the May 11 Left Unity conference? Following Nick Wrack’s speech at the April 27 London Communist Forum, Jack Conrad replied for the CPGB. This is an edited version of his response

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