
Party & Programme > Class and consciousness

Wide open for the class

19 Apr 2012

What is class-consciousness? Paul B Smith discusses the possibility of a political revival

Looking back over the ruins

15 Jul 2021

The final withdrawal of American troops must be put in the context of the April 1978 revolution and the subsequent reaction. The USA and Saudi Arabia armed, financed and promoted a counterrevolution, which included Osama bin Laden and al Qa’eda and ended in the triumph of the Taliban. This is an edited version of an article written by Jack Conrad and first published in June 2003. Its main target is Sean Matgamna, patriarch of the social-imperialist Alliance for Workers’ Liberty. Nowadays, the AWL describes the Taliban as “Islamo-fascist”; back then, though, they were “our kind of people”

A meeting of two halves

01 Jul 2021

We are a campaign for free speech: good. But we are not a Labour campaign: bad. Derek James of Labour Party Marxists reports

Texas and the F-word

10 Jun 2021

Can fascism be established in the absence of a working class threat? Daniel Lazare believes it is possible

Centrality of class

03 Jun 2021

Mike Macnair replies to Foppe de Haan and Catherine Liu on the analysis of history and meritocracy

Appeals of class society

20 May 2021

We need to understand what makes the exploited actually defend the system that oppresses them, argues Foppe de Haan

In the era of pandemics

18 Mar 2021

Covid-19 has brought with it the potential for genuine transformation. Mark Kosman unashamedly looks on the bright side

The misuses of Gramsci

25 Feb 2021

Quoted by charlatans to provide an air of magic, praised for his ambiguities, more revered than read: David Broder calls for a serious engagement with a political strategy that still has considerable relevance

Socialism, nationalism and Ireland

07 Jan 2021

Before and during the Second International there were many different approaches to the questions of socialism and nationalism. In Ireland James Connolly banked on nationalists taking a positive attitude towards the cause of labour. In his next article Marc Mulholland will look at Ireland’s conservative revolution

Lenin in his own words

07 Jan 2021

Consistent Bolshevik message

07 Jan 2021

Did Lenin’s April theses lead to a complete change of policy? Lars T Lih continues his series, arguing that the opposite is the case

Overcoming group identity

22 Oct 2020

Marc Mulholland evaluates Karl Kautsky’s thesis on the nomadic origin of classes and the state

Oppression and moralism

16 Jul 2020

BLM protests must be supported, but they are often misdirected. Black liberation must be linked to the class struggle, argues Jim Creegan

Who will pay the price?

09 Apr 2020

As a result of Covid-19, class divisions will become ever clearer, writes Paul Demarty

Learn the lessons

12 Jul 2019

Rather than attempting to run capitalism, argues Peter Manson, in current circumstances we must aim to build Marxist parties of extreme opposition

Neither kings nor bureaucrats

23 May 2019

US author and political broadcaster Suzi Weissman reports on the miraculous organisation of a conference on Leon Trotsky, which took place in Havana

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