
Party & Programme > Class and consciousness

Wide open for the class

19 Apr 2012

What is class-consciousness? Paul B Smith discusses the possibility of a political revival

Aspiring to what?

14 May 2015

Blairites are flying the flag for ‘aspiration’ - a subject about which they know nothing, argues Paul Demarty

Before the great betrayal of August

23 Apr 2015

Ralf Hoffrogge Sozialismus und Arbeiterbewegung in Deutschland: von den Anfängen bis 1914 Schmetterling Verlag, 2011, €10, pp216(1)

New era for Cuba?

16 Apr 2015

Will Havana embark on a Chinese road, asks Peter Manson

How not to arm ourselves

16 Apr 2015

Yassamine Mather looks at the problems resulting from the attempt to create ‘safe spaces’ in universities and student unions

Green-tinted glasses

29 Jan 2015

Despite the membership figures and the hype, notes Micky Coulter, the Green Party's increased popularity is not a sign of good times to come for socialists

Fantasy history, fantasy Marx

18 Dec 2014

Chris Cutrone’s arguments are characterised by dogma and vacuous circularity, writes Mike Macnair

Ireland: We need a united Marxist party

04 Dec 2014

The revolt against water charges poses sharp questions for the left, writes Anne McShane

Reinvigorated spirit

27 Nov 2014

Russell Brand Revolution Century, 2014, pp384, £20

Organise the militant minority

06 Nov 2014

The attacks on the miners were aimed at breaking organised labour in general; but union bureaucrats failed to rise to the challenge of building mass solidarity. Jack Conrad argued for a rank-and-file movement in this Leninist reprint

A better way of being

06 Nov 2014

Mass protest looks likely to sink the Irish government's introduction of water charges. Anne McShane spoke to a leading member of the 'Cobh Says No' campaign

Recalling the nine days

18 Sep 2014

A commitment to official union structures, and an inability to grasp the potential of organisations created by workers in struggle meant the miner's strike was a test most of the left failed, says Mark Fischer

No place for anti-Semitism

18 Sep 2014

A Communist Platform member has been shown the door. Peter Manson reports

Parvus: for German victory

11 Sep 2014

New translations shed light on the thinking of socialists who ended up supporting 'their' side in WWI. Mike Macnair introduces a second Parvus article

Can commerce be ethical?

07 Aug 2014

Ndongo Samba Sylla The fair trade scandal: marketing poverty to benefit the rich Pluto Press, pp208, £16

While the NUM waged war ...

07 Aug 2014

Mark Fischer introduces another Leninist reprint, this time on the fight against liquidationist tendencies in the CPGB

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