
Party & Programme > Class and consciousness

Wide open for the class

19 Apr 2012

What is class-consciousness? Paul B Smith discusses the possibility of a political revival

SUPPLEMENT: The general strike and classical Marxism

04 Aug 2022

Take it back from them

07 Jul 2022

As everyone knows, Pride began as a radical protest march, but has long been taken over by big business. Eddie Ford warns against the logic of sectionalism

Parliamentary and everyday sexism

05 May 2022

The current furore has produced a morally outraged cross-party consensus, but the last thing we need is yet more investigations, judge-led enquiries, quangos and powers to suspend or expel MPs, says James Harvey

Working women find a voice

10 Mar 2022

Anne McShane looks at 'Rabotnitsa', first published by the Bolsheviks on February 23 1914 to mark International Women’s Day

No change of line

20 Jan 2022

Mike Macnair responds to Daniel Lazare on BDS, the Israel Jewish working class and the necessity of opposing the witch-hunt

Heroes and villains

20 Jan 2022

Lawrence Parker reviews 'The chronology of revolution: communism, culture, and civil society in twentieth-century Britain' by Ben Harker (University of Toronto Press, 2021, pp376, £63.99)

Something serious is needed

16 Dec 2021

It is clear that Tony Greenstein has abandoned any pretence of adhering to class politics: that is, the class politics of the working class. Jack Conrad defends the Marxist programme against those who advocate yet another broad-front halfway house

Not a liquidation?

09 Dec 2021

Abandoning any pretence of class politics, Tony Greenstein defends what he calls the ‘merger’ of LAW and LIEN and advocates yet another ‘transitional’ halfway-house broad front

Feeding the revolving door

04 Nov 2021

Andrew Byrne, Gerald Wiley and Derek James report on an all too carefully choreographed event staged by the Socialist Appeal comrades

A long-established disorder?

21 Oct 2021

Famous as a polemical target of ‘Leftwing’ communism, ironically Amadeo Bordiga claimed to agree with Lenin’s strategy for world revolution. David Broder investigates

Addressing the central issues

30 Sep 2021

Foppe de Haan returns to his differences with Mike Macnair on the question of the ‘professional-managerial class’

Class, state and constitution

16 Sep 2021

Rising classes have to reshape states in their own interests. Mike Macnair explores the revolutionary origins of capitalist modernity

Centrality of class independence

12 Aug 2021

Khomeini and the clergy completely outmanoeuvred the left. But it need not have been that way. In his second and concluding article on the role of oil workers in the 1979 revolution, Peyman Jafari stresses the complex nature of ideology and class consciousness

False dichotomy

29 Jul 2021

Ollie Douglas reviews 'Marxism and intersectionality: race, gender, class and sexuality under contemporary capitalism' by AJ Bohrer

Generation Left terrifies right

29 Jul 2021

Eddie Ford calls upon Marxists to take up the challenge to organise the socialist majority of young people

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