Party & Programme > Class and consciousness
Wide open for the class
19 Apr 2012
What is class-consciousness? Paul B Smith discusses the possibility of a political revival
Workers’ unity, not national socialism
18 Jun 1998
Peter Taaffe and Scottish Militant Labour are on the verge of divorce. But this is no private affair. Shamefully in the name of defending Marxism both sides want to break up the historically constituted working class in Britain along nationalist lines
No politics please, we’re Bullites
11 Jun 1998
Around the left
France: Unemployed fight back
22 Jan 1998
When the fat lady sings
13 Nov 1997
English National Opera
What about the rural workers?
24 Jul 1997
Antithesis of communism
26 Jun 1997
Pol Pot and the ‘killing fields’ of Kampuchea are meant to be a lesson in the evils of communism - or so we are told. Eddie Ford points to the true nature of the Khmer Rouge and what it really represented
Road to nowhere
19 Jun 1997
Much of the left is now talking about a ‘crisis of expectations’ amongst the working class. But is there any truth to it? Last weekend the CPGB organised a round-table discussion on this, under the heading, ‘Where now for the left?’ Eddie Ford reports
Class not gender
06 Mar 1997
Doreen McNally is a founder member of Women of the Waterfront, set up to organise women in support of the Liverpool dockers. Her husband, Charlie, has worked on the docks for 29 years. Lee-Anne Bates spoke to her about their struggle and how working class women can be organised to fight back
Going to the dogs
07 Nov 1996
Around the left
For a republican government of the left
31 Oct 1996
Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group (faction of the SWP) replies to John Stone (Weekly Worker October 3) on the theory of democratic revolution
Whatever happened to the upturn?
11 Jul 1996
Members of the Socialist Workers Party gather in London to debate and question
The Party and the unemployed
13 Jun 1996
Party notes
SUPPLEMENT: Essays on the general strike - Part V
30 May 1996
France 1968
The Party question: Fighting for human freedom
16 May 1996
Single issue campaigns, especially those based around environmental questions, have dominated the political agenda. Eddie Ford argues that communists need to reassess their attitudes to these movements
SUPPLEMENT: Essays on the general strike - Part IV
02 May 1996
The 1926 General Strike